sixty seven

471 15 5

67 || what a great loss

Marlene McKinnon has lost everyone in her life, then came Adelaide, this amazing bundle of joy who's mother has passed and father was going to Azkaban. Marlene knew then, she had to protect this girl.

Regulus Black had become the most interesting person in Marlene's life for sure. After beginning their friendship as strangers back in school, the brother of her friend, to being her closest informant on her life. Regulus had become a new man thanks to the opportunities that Marlene had given him.

Mary MacDonald. Marlene's best friend since they were 11. And although the past years had been difficult as Mary lived far away from the war and danger, Marlene still loved her. Her sister.

Then there was Sirius. Her fake ex-husband. At Hogwarts they always laughed that if they didn't marry by the time they were twenty seven they would get together. Never did they think that they would get a marriage certificate to protect Adelaide. And never did they think Sirius would be framed as a Deatheater. But now he was back. The comedic relief they all needed.

"You'll tell me what she is."

Marlene smiled, "Never. She'll never be one of yours."

Voldemort shook his head, "I don't need you. We need her." He laughed, "Adelaide Black. The orphaned child."

"The Order won't let you get her." Marlene stated.

"They will when I put my plan into action," Voldemort lifted his wand, "Avada Kedavra!"

Adelaide shot up. The dream was different. Much different.

"You good?" Astoria asked, already in her uniform.

"Yeah, what's the time?"

"Uh, eight I think, I'm going down to breakfast, want me to wait for you?"

Adelaide shook her head, "I'm gonna skip breakfast today. I'm not feeling too well.

"Okay. We'll wait for you before lessons," Astoria smiled before making her way out.

Adelaide let her head fall into her hands, rubbing her temples. Maybe she was actually going crazy.

When Astoria entered the Great Hall, Alex shot up, "Where's Adelaide?"

"She's getting ready, why?"

"Something happened, Hermione wants to talk to her, it seems serious. Look Potter and the Weasley's aren't here." Alex explained, shifting nervously on the spot.

McGonagall rushed up to them, "Miss Lestrange, Miss Greengrass. Where is Miss Black?"

"In the Dorms. Professor, what's going on?" Astoria asked.

"Not now Greengass."

Snape and McGonagall sped to the Slytherin common room and up to the girls dorms, "Adelaide?"

Adelaide opened the door, still in her joggers and hoodie, "Shit. I'm not late am I?"

McGonagall shook her head, "No Adelaide. Dumbledore wishes for you to go to his office immediately."

"Don't bother getting dressed, you'll be going straight home," Snape said, "We'll send your belongings to you."

"Okay," Adelaide said, confused, "Let me just put some shoes on then."

McGonagall led Adelaide to Dumbledore's office, "I'll leave you here. Just remember Adelaide, you have family at Hogwarts always."

Now Adelaide was more confused, neither had actually told her what was going on.

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