eighty eight

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88 || old friends

Blinding white light. A buzzing. Her senses were heightened as Adelaide opened her eyes.

Eventually, the white faded and was replaced with a large manor, one recognisable from photos Adelaide had seen.

As if her body was dragging her, Adelaide moved toward the house, stopping at the door. She had seen the manor in photos, yes, but in real life, it had crumbled down. She pulled down the handle, creaking the door as it opened up, revealing a house filled with life. Photos. Shoes. Coats. Everything a family has.

"Dorcas? I thought you were going on a walk; two minutes isn't a-" The ginger woman stopped, staring in shock, "What the bloody hell?"

"Lils?" A man's voice sounded, "What is it?"

"Get here James," she shouted and a brunette man with glasses walked up to Adelaide too.

"What the fuck?"

Adelaide stood awkwardly, "Uh, hi."

James and Lily Potter were, in simple terms, absolutely flabbergasted. This was Adelaide Black, their best friend's daughter, who was supposed to be alive.

"Adelaide?" James asked, "Did you die?"

"I fucking hope so or I need to check myself in somewhere," Adelaide replied, "What is this place?"

"It's death, basically," Lily said, "Your world but just filled with dead people."

Adelaide gave her a frown, "That's weird."

"Tell me about it," James laughed, "When I arrived here, I thought I was back home. Took me a while to believe I was dead."

Lily slapped his arm, "Why don't we get you changed into something-" She stopped, looking down at Adelaide's bloody hoodie, "nicer?"

"Sounds good," Adelaide said and followed the woman upstairs.

"The only clothes we have are James' old clothes, you wont fit into Effie's or Monty's," Lily explained, handing her a pair of jeans and sweatshirt, "Join us downstairs when you're ready, I'll make us some coffee and get the emergency biscuits."

Adelaide put the clothes on, they were big but not too big, making Adelaide guess these were from when James was in her year. Downstairs, James and Lily were talking in whispers.

"She's sixteen, James," Lily sighed, "It's too young."

James nodded, "I just can't believe there's another war. And our son is at the centre."

"Our teenage years were filled with fun, why do theirs have to be ruined?"

James gave her a look as Adelaide emerged from upstairs, "I haven't seen that jumper in years. Your dad gave it to me after he went into muggle London for the first time. He was very proud of his purchase."

"It's nice," Adelaide hummed, "Gonna have to steal it."

Lily sat up, "So, if you don't mind us asking, what happened? Like how did you... die?"

The girl sat down with them at the table, "Harry had a vision that Voldemort had taken Sirius, and I had one that Bellatrix had taken Lucas. They were at the Ministry, and he was so keen to save him, but I had a feeling telling me to do something, a couple months back I received a letter, I now know it was from Lucas, telling me to be cautious of the people I trust. Theo. He'd been coerced into becoming a Death Eater in the summer, and when I approached him, I got taken. My biological mother, Alexis Lore, was there, Bellatrix and Lucas were there and so was Theo. I don't know what happened to Lucas, but Bellatrix murdered Theo and then Alexis stabbed me. I got another vision after that, of my dad, being killed. I had to save him, and I did. Then I, you know, died."

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