fifty nine

502 17 4

59 || breakup, make up

Adelaide was just as confused as Lucas in the whole breakup ordeal. She couldn't understand why Theo would do it and whenever she tried to talk to him about it he brushed her off, saying he was tired or had somewhere to go.

As well as Lucas and Theo, Adelaide was having to deal with Harry as well. Her mum had sent Bubotuber pus, Adelaide had made up a lie that she had really bad acne breaking out and needed some, and so, she was testing that out on the scar.

"This is probably going to hurt," She warned Harry, taking his hand and a swipe of the pus, she lathered it onto the scar, ignoring Harry's hiss of pain when it went over, "There, just apply it regularly I think."

"Thank you, really," Harry said, "I don't know how to thank you enough."

Adelaide shrugged it off, "Just don't shout at me again and we'll be fine."

"Sorry about that," Harry said, embarrassment creeping into him, "I was so stupid."

"Stop saying sorry, it's okay," Adelaide said, "I'm used to it, being a big bad snake and all."

Harry looked at her intently, "You're more than a snake to me. You're Adelaide Black. My nemesis on the Quidditch field. My friend."

Adelaide didn't know what to say. Had she just been friend-zoned? Or maybe Harry was just afraid to admit his feelings, because Adelaide was sure there was something between them.

"Alright," She said, taking a step back, "You should get back to your common room. They're probably expecting you."

Ron had made it as keeper, which the rest of her team were happy about, they thought he would be terrible, and that it would be easy to win. Adelaide had some hope for him though, given the rest of his family, bar Percy, we're Quidditch orientated.

The beaters position had been given to Crabbe and Goyle which Adrian was displeased about, it was forced upon him by Snape who had probably gotten letters from their parents. At least some of their team had some talent.

With the weekend in sight, Adelaide had a chance for relaxation, she'd been caught up on all her homework so far so she had nothing to do. Which is what led her to smoking with Blaise in the locker room on the Saturday afternoon.

"I feel like it's been so different already," Adelaide said, "Theo broke up with Lucas, which is crazy, and Alex is distancing herself like we're the plague. I'm telling you, shits going down."

"I've seen the same with Draco," Blaise said, "He's so tense right now, like he's keeping up this wall that he can't break."

Adelaide sighed before stamping the cigarette out on the bench, "I don't understand any of it. You think it's something to do with Voldemort."

Blaise gave her a look, "What do you mean by that? You think they're like his followers?"

"No! Of course not. I mean, maybe they're feeling scared or something, none of them would join him," Adelaide insisted, "I just wish they'd bloody talk to me instead of freezing me out."

"Give them time," Blaise said, "That's all we can do."

With their little gossip session over, Adelaide and Blaise headed to the castle, they crossed the Gryffindor team who sent them suspicious looks, which was expected as they were leaving the pitch when the team had booked it.

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