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17 || triwizard tournament

"LUCAS Black?"




"Like Black, Black?"


Adelaide leant over the table to try and catch a glimpse of the boy, "Lucas Black?"

"For merlins sake Adelaide, yes!" Draco whispered harshly, "Go and talk to him if you must."

"Alright. I will." She said confidently and brushed herself off before pushing past the girls to the brown eyed boy, she had to admit he did look like a Black, "Lucas Black, come with me." He looked at her uneasily but nevertheless stood up and followed Adelaide to the toilets.

"How haven't I heard about you before Lucas Black?"

"Oh, I was homeschooled, my mother didn't want me to come to Hogwarts for some reason," Lucas explained, he seemed too nice, "Who are you?"

"Adelaide McKinnon-Black."

"Funny. Who are you actually?"

"I'm no liar Lucas Black. See, oi, Dumb and Dumber! What's my name?"

Fred and George popped up in front of them, "MB!" Fred exclaimed.

"My girl McKinnon-Black!" George added with the same enthusiasm.

"How do I know you aren't trying to get with me or something?" Lucas suggested.

Adelaide stared at him gobsmacked, "Okay. A, that's very arrogant. B, if I wanted to get with you, which I don't, I wouldn't use a name that was related to you." She watched his look of realisation and held her hand out, "Fresh start, hi, I'm Adelaide McKinnon-Black, daughter of Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon."

Lucas didn't look dazed by her father and his name, "Hi, I'm Lucas Black, son of Cassiopeia Black and some douche who ran off the second my mum got pregnant."

"Dads, am I right?" Adelaide laughed and Lucas grinned softly, "Dads."


ADELAIDE had introduced Lucas to the whole friend group, including Draco who reluctantly shook the boys hand as if he was going to catch some disease of sorts. The new addition seemed to be getting on pretty well with everyone, which was surprising, they rarely allowed anyone new to their group, Crabbe and Goyle being the occasional exception but most of them hated the cruel duo.

"I need to know how we're related, because I've never once heard of a Cassiopeia Black in the family," Adelaide spoke up, growing increasing interested in the topic.

Lucas shifted in his seat, "I don't really know to be honest, my mum doesn't like talking about her family so I'm guessing it isn't good."

"My mother doesn't talk much about hers either," Draco said, he never spoke much about his family to anyone, it was private and Draco was not one to go about telling everyone stories of his family, "She talks about her parents but I guess it's hard when one of your sisters is in Azkaban and the other married off to some muggle born."

They stayed silent for a moment, each taking in that information before Blaise jumped up from his corner seat and climbed over everyone, "Sorry guys- oh- was that your dick Theo. Sorry. Just want some snacks."

Theo glared after Blaise who almost ran straight into the carriage door, "I don't know how he still has any brain cells left."

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