seventy seven

318 9 0

77 || self-righteous cock

The weeks were passing slowly, too slow for Adelaide's liking. It was like the world was building up for something to happen, the tense atmosphere surrounding those who were apart of this war already were overwhelmed.

It was a Tuesday when the incident occurred. Astoria, Blaise, Theo and Adelaide had a free period together in the afternoon and decided to spend it on the grounds. No work was being done; they were just talking. That was until Astoria brought up Voldemort.

"My mum's scared of a war, she's thinking about taking me and Daph out of school."

Blaise looked at her, mouth agape, "What? She can't do that."

"Dad agrees. As much as the Ministry is trying to filter the news, they hear chatter," Astoria said and Theo tensed beside Adelaide, causing the girl to give me a sideways glance.

Theo spoke up, "The Ministry has our best interests at heart, I thi-"

"Woah, what?" Adelaide exclaimed, "What are you talking about? The Ministry is a group of shitheads."

He shrugged, "I don't think you're looking at this right."

"I don't think your heads right," Adelaide retorted, "Where the hell is this coming from?"

Theo wracked his brain for an answer, but the one that came out was definitely not correct, "Look, you're being reckless. You can't go around saying all this false shit. Last year, everyone went into a frenzy about You Know Who, but where is he?"

She frowned, "I don't know what's gotten into you, but you're acting like a real arse. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're hiding something." Adelaide stood up, 'accidentally' knocking Theo's left shoulder with her knee as she did so and began her strut up to the castle.

"Adelaide!" Astoria shouted, "What are you on about? 'Hiding something'. Theo's our friend, he'd never betray us."

"Just like you wouldn't betray me. I think we all remember Laurent Dupont, don't we?"

"That's in the past."

Adelaide scoffed, "Nothing is in the past. In the space of a year, I've been taken hostage, put into a coma by Voldemort and lost my mum. Okay? I'm not so keen on the whole trust thing right now. So do not be surprised if I do whatever it takes to survive from here on out."

Everyone had noticed. It was pretty hard not to.

The Slytherins had split. On one hand we had Theo, Astoria and Alex sitting with Draco's friends, and then there was Adelaide and Blaise who had taken to sitting together, although sometimes Adelaide ended up alone if Blaise was called over to Draco.

Adelaide knew everything was going to turn rotten, but she didn't expect to lose all her friends over it, not this fast anyways.

Harry glanced at the Slytherin table, expecting to see a smiling Adelaide, but instead saw her sat on one end and the others sat further up, "What happened?"

"She didn't tell you?" Fred asked.

"Her and Theo had a- a disagreement." George said.

He turned his head, Theo and Adelaide had never had an argument for all he knew, "When did she tell you two?"

"When we caught her trying to ruin the Quidditch pitch," George said, "It really was quite violent."

Hermione faced Harry, "Are you going over to her or what?"

"Me? Why?"

She mentally facepalmed, "Adelaide is sat alone, you're kissing her or whatever, go to her. Do I have to explain everything to you?"

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