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18 || french boyfriend

"WE FINALLY get to meet Laurent?" Theo asked with a grin, "Fucking awesome."

They were now lay in the common room, everyone else had gone to bed and it was only the quartet still awake.

Alex raised her hand slowly, "I've already met him..." This turned into a long back and forth argument between Alex and Theo, with Astoria tiptoeing over to Adelaide.

"You have a French boyfriend Nova," She started, "That's cute."

"One, he's not really French he just lives there and two, we aren't exactly boyfriend and girlfriend. We haven't spoke about it."

"Anyways," Adelaide said, changing the subject, "How are things with Draco? Any new updates?"

"I don't know Adds, I just don't feel the attraction anymore. Like sure, if he asked me on a date I'd probably say yes but I'm not sure if I really like him." Astoria explained, groaning in frustration as she finished, "Anyway he was a complete dick to me at the station, didn't even look in my direction when I tried to talk to him."

"Bleach ass can be a pain sometimes and I'm not making excuses but he doesn't know how to communicate his emotions. When I was four granny took me over to the Malfoy's and he ignored me the whole time because I told him I wanted to dye my hair blonde. Then when I did a couple years ago he ignored me for a week straight. Turns out he didn't like his hair and wanted hair like mine so when I said I wanted to change it he got pissed."

"I remember that," Alex laughed, "He cried to me that night so I slapped him. Then I threatened to shave his hair off. Then he slapped me. Cissy laughed at us."

That's how they spent the night, laughing with each other and recollecting old memories. When they finally went to bed, Adelaide stayed behind, she still couldn't shake the terrible feeling and Moody's appearance shook her even more. And somehow she found herself in the kitchens talking to Whispy who was listening intently.

"I feel like all I do when I come down here is rant about shit." Adelaide muttered, sipping her tea, "But the tea is really good."

Like usual, someone interrupted her session, "Oh- sorry I didn't know any would be here."

"It's alright Potter, I was just leaving." Adelaide went to stand up but Harry stopped her.

"You don't have to- I mean, I want to talk."

The thing was Adelaide didn't mean to glare at Harry, it was a natural response, she had spent two and a bit years hating him, "I'm tired so can we do this tomorrow?"

"No, I need to get it out now and off my chest." Harry stated, taking 'authority' of the situation, "Alright, I have liked you for three years and I know that you and your French guy have a thing going on so I just want to say that I won't ruin it or anything."

"You- you had a thing for me? For three bloody years?! You didn't say anything?!" Adelaide exclaimed, maybe this would've been better to know last year or the year before that or even the year before that.

Harry stared at her dumbfounded, "What did you expect me to say? 'Oh hi Adelaide, I know you hate me but I get butterflies every time I see that stupid smile or hear that annoying laugh.' You hated me."

"I have a- a friend who I'm committed to right now. I can't do this."

'You seriously just say 'a friend I'm committed to'?'

"I know and I'm not asking for anything, I'm just asking to be friends." He said slowly.

Adelaide for one of the rare times in her life was unsure, she wanted to be friends with Harry but being friends and dating Laurent would confuse her more than she already was and Adelaide didn't want boy drama anymore.

"Fine," Adelaide sighed, "But I'm actually quite tired so I'm going to bed."

Harry watched as Adelaide walked out, he knew there was no way she would like him back, the only thing he could do is move on.


THE FOLLOWING morning, Adelaide met up with Blaise, he had agreed to start running with her in the mornings, now she was at the bottom of the boys staircase stretching as she waited.

"Zabini! Get your ass down here!" Adelaide shouted up to him, probably waking up half the boys.

A stumbling figure came down the stairs, "Calm down woman, I'm here." Blaise looked practically dead, "Draco was up all night with a cough. I think he got ill from the rain."

"Sucks to be him, let's go."

By the time they had circled around Hogwarts Blaise was huffing and puffing and being dragged by Adelaide, who was still going strong, "I thought you played quidditch."

"Normally I'm not running this much- merlin! How are you still going?" Blaise puffed.

"Nothing to do all summer besides sunbathe and run." And try to figure out what the hell was going on in her mind.

They finished the run and showered before breakfast, "I'm just saying, you run like a sloth. I was pulling you the entire way."

"Hey! I ran a bit."

"Yeah, the first minute." Adelaide rolled her eyes as she sat down opposite Theo, "You alright mate?"

"Huh?" He glanced up, "Yeah, yeah, I'm cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool."

"Clearly not, what happened?"

Theo reached into his pocket and took out a letter, Adelaide could clearly see the Nott family crest on it, "My dad, he sent it this morning."

"What's it say?" She asked, but Adelaide felt like she already knew.

"He doesn't want me to hang out with you anymore. Says it'll 'taint my pure blood'. Same bull shit since first year," Theo said sadly, scrunching up the letter, "But everything's been different this summer, my dad and-"

Theo stopped there, he couldn't risk saying anything else, even if he knew Adelaide wouldn't tell anyone.

"Whenever you want to tell me, I'll listen." She whispered hooking their ankles comfortingly.

He offered her a small smile before the rest of the group came to sit down. Unlike last year, when it had been just the quartet, now everyone was sat together. Draco was whispering harshly to Blaise, Pansy was picking at Alex, Astoria was talking to Theo and Lucas and Adelaide were just confused. Everyone seemed to have a different agenda this year. That's what concerned Adelaide.

First the attack at the world cup, add Lucius to that mess, then the announcement of the Triwizard Tournament, then Moody's entrance, now the Slytherins acting weird.

"Hey, Lucas. Save my seat for me, I need to check something," Adelaide muttered, grabbing her robe and leaving the great hall.

short chapter but i've got something interesting planned for the next one.

how are you guys?
anything you want to see in the story?

ly all <3

~ chloe x

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