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15 || troubles

ADELAIDE WAS jumping for joy when Ireland won, Regulus not so much. Dressed in red, the elder Black pouted and whined yet no one listened as they celebrated the Irish win.

Hours later, the Irish were still celebrating at the campsite, Marlene was asked to work security so Regulus was left in charge of the kids.

"I'm just saying it was an unjust win Addiepop! Bulgaria were better."

"If Bulgaria was better why did they lose Reg? Huh? Oh that's right! It's because Ireland is better."

Laurent was slowly getting a headache from the arguing and Alex was banging her head on the table, "Children! Children!"

Adelaide and Regulus froze and glared at Alex who was already giving them the death stare, "Please hush yourselves. Please. I've never wanted to kill someone more than I have right now."

Regulus had huffed and stomped off to his bedroom, as had Alex, leaving Laurent and Adelaide alone. The girl wasted no time in cuddling the boy on the sofa, "I'm so cold. How are you warm?"

"That's your excuse for giving me a hug? I'm honoured but you could do better." Laurent joked, wrapping his arms around the blonde.

"I'm sorry," Adelaide muttered, "We kissed and I ignored you. I just- don't do well with commitment."

"I've never even kissed anyone before." Laurent admitted, "Was it bad? The kiss?"

"No! It was great! I loved it." She quickly said, "But-"

"You like Harry? I can see it."

"That's the thing! I don't know if I like him, but I know I like you."

Adelaide didn't know if she liked either, maybe she was saying this to get Harry off her mind or maybe she just liked the thought of dating Laurent.

They stayed silent for a while, neither ready to break the comfortable silence they found themselves in. Then Adelaide jumped up, running straight to the entrance of the tent. She could feel something was wrong, but it wasn't just a gut feeling, the singing had stopped and had been replaced with screams of terror.

"Get Regulus up."

Soon enough the four of them were outside the tent, wands at the ready. Despite the fact that Regulus was the only one who could legally do magic Adelaide had been training in wandless magic so the ministry couldn't trace it back to her.

"I'm going to find Marls. Stick together please, I mean it." Regulus wasn't joking around now, in fact Adelaide didn't think she had ever seen him so serious.

Alex wasn't moving, her face was emotionless and cold, "Lucius. It's him."

"Wait- what?"

"I heard them. A couple weeks into summer. Shit- how didn't I know."

"In the nicest way possible Alex, I don't care. We need to go, or your uncle is going to kill us. More so me, you lucky purebloods." Adelaide muttered the last part before grabbing Alex hand and pulling her alongside Laurent who hadn't spoken since they ran outside.

Amidst the explosions and crowds, Adelaide got separated from Laurent and Alex, and found herself surrounded by the madness occurring, "Alex! Laurent! Where the hell are you?"

"Oi! Look what we have here!" One of the masked came alarming close to her, "Name sweetheart?"

Who minds a little lie? "Adelaide Black. Daughter of Regulus Black."

"Since when did Reggie have a daughter?"

"Since when did did your seed brain increase to a pea?"

"Leave this one!" Adelaide recognised the drawling voice and the flash of blonde, "She's from the Noble House of Black."

The first man slithered away and Lucius took off his mask to face Adelaide, "Leave Adelaide, find Regulus. It isn't safe even for a halfblood out here."

"I'm not scared Lucie Poocie."

"You should be Black."

"It's McKinnon-Black Lucius. Just fyi." Adelaide corrected with a smirk.

But Lucius' grin was wider, "That's what they're still telling you."

In the blink of an eye, Malfoy was gone leaving Adelaide with more questions than humanly possible. She had been in a daze for almost an hour after that, sat on the floor beside a burning tent. Why would Lucius say that? What did he mean by that? Are you not a Black? Or are you not a McKinnon? He's going mental, maybe the bleach has gone to his head.

"Just shut up. Please. Shut up."

Don't you want to get to the bottom of this. What. Did. He. Mean.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

Adelaide had missed the way that Regulus embraced her, rubbing her back as tears poured down her face, "Adelaide. Breathe. Just breathe."

"What did he mean? I- What did he mean?"

"Who? Adelaide who are you talking about?"

"What did he mean?"

"Regulus!" Marlene shouted, running over to them, "She's having a panic attack. We need to snap her out of it."

"How do you suppose we do that Marlene? She's not listening!"

Marlene eyed a piece of scolding metal a few meters from them, yes the heat could injure Adelaide but not fatally, "Get that metal- not with your hands Reg. Godric, do you have any brain cells? You're a wizard."

Regulus came to his sense and levitated the metal, gently letting it hover above his nieces hand, "On my count, one, two, now!"

The metal dropped and Adelaide let out a pained scream, immediately Marlene brought her in for a hug, "It's okay. It's okay darling. Let's get you home. Shh, it's okay."

The pair gently helped the girl stand and guided her through the smoky land to where Laurent was waiting frantically, "Oh my- Adelaide! I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault Laurent." Marlene whispered, "It was chaos everywhere, we just need to get her home."

Unfortunately the Weasley clan had decided to gather at the same spot and upon seeing Adelaide in her state Harry ran over, "Adelaide! Is she okay?"

Regulus looked to Marlene then back to the boy, "Clearly not Potter. She's just had a panic attack in the middle of a death eater attack."

Harry had never had an interaction with Regulus Black before purely because he never approached Adelaide before last year, but just from that he could tell that Regulus was more like Adelaide than Sirius was, after all Regulus raised her.

"I'm okay Uncle Reg, seriously," These were the first words spoken when the group finally arrived back at the McKinnon household, Regulus was fussing over Adelaide while Marlene went to run her a bath, "It was a stupid panic attack, I get them loads."

That wasn't a complete lie, it's just they had never been as bad as that, the first panic attack came when she found out her dad had escaped Azkaban, clearly that was something to be stressed about, then they had continued throughout the year. But Adelaide could always snap herself out of them.

"Let me get you something for the burn then." Regulus said and didn't wait for an answer before running off, Laurent however was more cautious and apprehensive, he seemed as though he didn't want to touch her.

"I'm not going to break if you touch me Laurent," Adelaide scoffed and he slowly approached her.

"I thought you were really hurt Adelaide, when we lost you I was so scared." Laurent said but it came out as a whisper.

Adelaide placed her hand on his, "I'm here, and I'm okay. Don't worry about it."

In a split second decision, Laurent leant down and kissed her, it was a soft kiss, he still seemed to be pretty cautious to not hurt her so Adelaide deepened the kiss, it was going well until someone cleared their throat in the door way.

"I'm not going to ask." Regulus stated, "Laurent, sit on the chair by the window, Adelaide stay there. Good. That's perfect."

this chapter is short and chaotic but it's a thankyou for 13k reads!! i love you all <3
also it is two in the morning and i have maths homework due first day back that i have not started. yay.

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