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80 || meetings and exits

Careers meetings.

They sound so daunting. According to the Professors, you were supposed to have your whole life planned out by now. Adelaide didn't.

"When's yours?" Blaise asked as they walked to Potions.

"Monday at 12," Adelaide said, "You?"

"Monday at 3," He replied.

Adelaide thought she was going to have an early life crisis there and then, "I don't even know what I want to do?"

"Auror? You're good at Defence," Blaise suggested.

She shook her head, "It sounds like something I would enjoy I just don't see myself doing it."

"You'll figure it out," He said, "You're smart enough to do anything to be honest."

Potions was honestly a disaster, Adelaide had partnered with Blaise and they both got top marks, but Harry wasn't so lucky. Like at all. He got a zero.

Straight after Potions, Adelaide had her careers interview, hosted by the man of the hour, Severus Snape.

"Good afternoon, Miss Black," Snape drawled, "I must say I do not enjoy these so this will be quick."

'Thank Salazar' Adelaide thought, Snape seemed like the one teacher in this school who you didn't want to have a careers interview with.

"Your grades are exceptional for every subject I must say, which means almost every career pathway is available to you," Snape said, and Adelaide stared, did he just compliment her, "Is there anything you would enjoy Black?"

"I enjoy playing Quidditch," Adelaide suggested.

"Yes, you are a good player," Now she was just getting showered with compliments, "I truly believe that you are a talented and strong-minded young woman who can get wherever she wants. Keep your options for next year broad, you never know if you may change your mind."

And with that the, very short, interview was over. Adelaide intended to actually listen to her head of house, if the war was still going on when she graduated, maybe the Auror pathway wouldn't be so bad. She could help people.

Adelaide had been so in her own mind that she almost bumped right into Theo, "Sorry."

"Its okay," He muttered, "Uh, did you just have your careers interview?"

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad," Adelaide said.

"Cool, I've got mine now, so, y'know?"

Merlin did Adelaide want to murder herself, "Oh, yeah. That's cool. Uh, good luck mate."

"Yeah mate," Theo awkwardly replied back, cringing on the inside. But he knew he had to do it, keep his distance, it was for the better.

Adelaide was furious.

Harry was going to talk to Sirius in Umbridge's office and he hadn't consulted her.

"I could've helped," She said, flailing her arms, "I'm literally in so tight with Umbridge."

"Which is why I can't let you help," Harry said quietly, "We may still need your connections with Umbridge yet."

Adelaide sighed, "Fine. But you come to me straight after, yeah? I want to know everything."

"Okay," Harry smiled, "You're really pretty by the way."

"How did someone like you score me then," She joked.

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