thirty seven

936 31 4

37 || back to school

SLYTHERIN had been on edge since New Years. Astoria was always hiding away and Adelaide seemed snappier than usual, the other week she shouted at a first year for spilling a drop of ink on her homework.

Theo and Adelaide like to use their free period for nothing when the other had Care of Magical Creatures, but today they found themselves chasing a lead on whatever was going on with Adelaide's head.

"I was in the restricted section and I came across this book," Adelaide said, bringing the book out of her bag from their spot in the library, "At first I thought it was like the others, boring, of no use, ect. But then I read into it."

Theo turned to the page Adelaide had bookmarked, "Back in the Renaissance, witches and wizards would often use possession as a form of torture on muggles. But these muggles would suffer withdrawal, nosebleeds, voices in their heads, strange occurrences happening around them, nightmares. These could sometimes go on for years after the possession had occurred. The Ministry of Magic made possession illegal but dark witches and wizards still use it to this day." Theo shut the book and stared at Adelaide's notes, "You think you were possessed?"

"I'm not sure but it's the only good piece of information I have Theo," She whispered, "Remember I told you that Regulus said I could 'bring about the end of the Wizarding World' or whatnot? What if someone was doing it for Voldermort, making it easier to subdue me into doing his bidding."

The brunette sighed lightly, "Adelaide, you know how much I want to find out what's going on with you but you know who is dead and any dark wizards that loyal to him ended up in Azkaban. It's too far of a stretch."

Adelaide nodded, seemingly agreeing with her friend, "Okay. Yeah, you're right. Let's just go get lunch."


THE THOUGHTS of Christmas and New Years were long since gone from peoples minds as the second task approached. Adelaide knew that Harry hadn't figured out the egg yet, but Fleur had and they were spending every second practicing. Well, maybe not every second.

"He then had the audacity to tell me that I was in the wrong for siding with you," Fleur scoffed in disbelief, "Honestly, who was I supposed to side with, the boy who cheated on my Adelaide with her best friend."

"You didn't have to pick my side," Adelaide stated, "I know you live with him so it might get awkward... but I don't really care about it anymore. It seems he really likes to get around the school and that happened to include my best friend."

Fleur picked up Blue and handed him to Adelaide, "I hereby give you full custody of Blue McKinnon-Black on the charges that Laurent Dupont is unfit to parent."

Adelaide snickered as Blue nuzzled his head into her chest, "I'll see you later Fleur, I've got a meeting with Harry."

The brunette boy was waiting in the astronomy tower and beginning to think Adelaide was a no show when she scared him from behind.

"Holy- you scared the heck out of me Adelaide!" He said breathlessly holding onto his chest, "Bloody hell. I think I'm having a heart attack."

"Grow up Harry," Adelaide hummed, "So you figured out the task yet? It's coming up quickly."

Harry nodded, "Had a bath."

"You had- you had a bath?" Adelaide asked, "What the hell does that have to do with the clue?"

"The egg doesn't screech under water."

Adelaide nodded again, unsure of what he meant, "What does it do then? Sing?" She had meant this in a purely joking way but Harry's face confirmed it, "Holy shit, does it really sing?"

"Yep. There's merpeople in the lake, apparently we have to save something we'll 'sorely miss'. I don't know what that is to me, maybe my broom? My innocence?"

"You've already lost that mate," Adelaide laughed, "Okay, so you need to be able to breathe under water, any ideas for that?"

Harry shook his head, "Nope, and I'll have to be in there for an hour."

"You're fucked mate," The blonde stated, "Really, utterly and truly fucked. Maybe this is the year where you finally meet your doom. Being dragged down to the darkest depths of the lake by the Giant Squid." Harry nudged her but there was a smile on his face.

"C'mon," Harry said extending his hand to the girl, "Don't wanna be caught by Filch tonight."

Adelaide departed from Harry and left for the dungeons, unfortunately her path was not as smooth sailing as she had hoped. A dark head of hair collided into her as he left the Slytherin common room.

"Watch where you're going you wanker," Adelaide hissed pushing past them.

"Adelaide I-" The blonde turned around and her face hardened.

"Oh it's you," Laurent stood awkwardly, his hands at his side and shifting his feet constantly, "What do you want Laurent? Here to have sex with more of my friends?"

"I didn't-"

"I don't want to hear it and I don't want to see you face," Adelaide snapped, "Just leave me the hell alone Dupont."

"Adelaide I really am-" He was cut off as Adelaide punched him in the face. Laurent fell to the floor gripping his nose, "What the hell is wrong with you? What the- Fuck!"

Adelaide stared at him wide eyed, "I'm sorry I didn't- Shit. I'm-"

Why are you apologising to him? He deserves it.

It was like a flip switched in Adelaide, she grabbed Laurent by the collar and leant into his ear, "You tell anyone about this and you'll see a side of me you really don't want to."

She left the boy on the floor holding his nose in pain as blood trickled down and entered the common room, "Oh hey Adds," Lucas grinned, "You alright?"

Adelaide smiled, "I'm great."

a/n: if you guys are confused about anything going on, comment and i'll try my best to explain without spoilers :)

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