ninety one

319 10 4

91 || back home

A week later, the Hogwarts school term ended, and no one was any wiser that Adelaide Black was in fact alive in St Mungos. Harry took the usual journey back to Kings Cross, and besides hexing Malfoy, it was pretty boring, and finding out Ginny was now dating Dean.

When he arrived at the station and was given the all clear to cross back into the muggle station, Harry expected to see the Dursley's sour faces, but was instead met with members of the order, Moody, Tonks, Remus, Sirius, Regulus, Cassiopeia, Mr and Mrs Weasley and Fred and George. It was a shock, the Dursley's were nowhere in sight. Harry hadn't actually spoken to anyone of them since Dumbledore whisked him away after the battle, but they were all stood, smiles on their faces, even the Black siblings.

"What are you guys doing here?" asked Harry.

"We've come to pick you up," Sirius said as if it were obvious, "Dumbledore has allowed for you to stay at Grimmauld Place with me for the first month of summer."

Harry had never been happier, that was a whole month without seeing his uncle's stupid face, "Really?"

"No, we're joking, get your bag and go home," Regulus replied sarcastically, "Yes, really."

Sirius took his bag, "Let's be quick, you never know who's watching."

"Uh, Sirius?" Harry suddenly spoke, "Are you not still a criminal?"

"Nah, they scrapped it," Sirius smiled, "I'm a free man, finally."

Not only was Harry not going back to Privet Drive, but Sirius had proved his innocence, his mind drifted to Adelaide, if only she could see this.

Moody escorted them back to Grimmauld Place while Tonks took the Weasley's and Remus left with Hermione and her parents. This was all necessary for protection now, they were all at risk of being targets.

"Drop you bag upstairs," Sirius said, "We have to talk about something."

Harry noticed his façade of the happiness slowly drifting away, becoming fear and sadness, which was mirrored on both Regulus and Cass as well. But nothing could have prepared him for the conversation he was about to have.

"Adelaide is alive?" Harry shouted, "How long have you know?"

"Just under a week," Regulus said, "She appeared at home, and we took her straight to the hospital."

"Yes, but Harry there's something you need to understand," Sirius cautioned, "The healers have stopped the bleeding and are giving her potions to repair the muscle and tissue, but she still hasn't woken up. They say her mind has to heal as well, and given she died and came back to life, we assume there has been a lot of mental distress. Fear mixed with confusion."

"But she'll wake up?"

Cass nodded, "They believe so, almost surely."

Harry sighed, "This is crazy. Does anyone else know?"

"Tonks and Remus will be having this conversation with Ron and Hermione, as for Adelaide's friends within her house," Sirius started, "We thought it best to wait until Adelaide wakes up, so they can hear it from her."

When five the next day hit, Sirius and Harry apparated to St Mungos, "We're here for Adelaide Black."

"You know the way Mr Black," The receptionist smiled.

"Thank you," Harry followed Sirius up a flight of stairs and into a quiet unit, unlike the one Mr Weasley had stayed in. It was more private, "The name 'Black' still gets a lot of respect Harry, after the surgery was complete, the hospital moved Adelaide to the private section, it's costly but the meals are better, and the staff are often nicer. My mother left a sizable donation to St Mungos in her will, so they moved Adelaide immediately, and we didn't even pay them."

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