eighty five

273 7 5

85 || executions

"The Dark Lord asked me to deal with her."

"She's my daughter, Lestrange."

"We follow his orders."

"If you 'deal with her', she'll end up dead in a second."

"Nott? Your take?"

"I brought her to you. My task is over."

Adelaide shifted, feeling the cold harsh floor under her.

"Ads?" A familiar voice said, "Ads, get up."

Her eyes flickered and she saw Lucas next to her, "Thank Merlin."

"Where are we?" Adelaide asked weakly.

"You're at the Ministry, Department of Mysteries to be exact," Alexis said, stepping away from Theo and Bellatrix.

"You?" Adelaide muttered, "What- Why?"

She bent down to her level, "The thing is, I wasn't attacked by Death Eaters, Adelaide. You know who it was? The Order. I dedicated my life, I lost my family, for those people and they turn their backs on me. Do you know how it feels to be betrayed?"

"I think I'm starting to understand," Adelaide's eyes flickered to Theo then back to Alexis.

"I want revenge," Alexis, "It's too simple to kill Sirius, or Regulus, or even Dumbledore. I want to hit them where it hurts, to feel what I felt when I had my family ripped away from me."

"You're going to kill me?"

Bellatrix laughed, "She's a smartie. Catches on quick."

"I mean, you could've just said that" Adelaide said, "I didn't need the whole pathetic sob story."

"You're just like your father. So cocky and arrogant even in the face of death," Alexis said, rolling her eyes.

"I've been told we have some resemblances."

"Bella, take Lucas."

"What?" Theo asked, "You said you'd let him go."

Alexis turned around, "Is your little crush getting in the way of your duties? I said take him Bella."

Bellatrix grabbed Lucas, holding him in her grasp with her wand at his neck. And it all happened so fast. Theo had taken his wand out, pointed at Bellatrix, Alexis had taken her wand out, and Theo threw Adelaide her wand.

"Drop it," Alexis ordered.

Theo shook his head, "This isn't my life. You let Lucas go, let Adelaide go."

"What's a boy going to do?" Bellatrix sneered.

"He has me too," Adelaide said, pointing her wand at Alexis.

The older witch sighed, "Oh no, I'm totally surrounded... by two sixteen-year-olds. Theo, put your wand down and we'll forget about this."


Alexis gave a nod to Bellatrix who disapparated, leaving Theo staring at the spot, "Where did she take him?"

"That's a need to know," Alexis said, "Neither of you need to. Now Theo, last chance. You don't want an enemy out of us."

Adelaide turned around, casting a patronus quietly, "Alexis is alive. She's not who you thought." The patronus whisked away and Adelaide turned back to Alexis and Theo.

"Adelaide," The witch said, "Are you ready to see what happens when someone betrays the Dark Lord?"


Bellatrix reappeared, "Theo, Theo, Theo. Your father will be so disappointed."

Alexis took Adelaide's wand out of her hand and held her so she couldn't run, "Do it Bella."

Theo looked at Adelaide, a smile on his face, "Remember Adelaide, remember I lo-"

"Avada Kedavra!" Bellatrix hit Theo in the chest, his body dropping to the floor.

It all felt like a blur, Adelaide thrashed in Alexis' arms, tears streaming down her face as she tried to move towards the boy. She finally pushed Alexis away and ran down to Theo.

"T, open your eyes," She cried, "Come on Theo, don't do this. Don't do this to me." Theo's eyes were open, blankly staring at the ceiling, "No, no, no, no, Theo. Come on. Don't leave me, please. Please don't leave me."

Her head fell onto his chest as she sobbed, her body shaking. Bellatrix killed Theo. And her mother watched.

"You," Adelaide seethed, "You killed him," She stormed up to Bellatrix, filled with rage and sadness. But before she could reach the psychotic witch, Alexis moved in front, grabbing her shoulder, "I'm not sorry about this."

A sharp pain filled Adelaide's body, as she looked down, she saw a dagger lodged in her stomach, "A slow, painful death. That seems appropriate for revenge. Tell Marls I said hi."

Alexis let go of Adelaide shoulder and the girl fell to the floor, touching her stomach as it throbbed and bled out, "Come Bella, we have work to do." Alexis spat, throwing Adelaide's wand to the floor with no care.

The two Death Eaters exited, and Adelaide was left alone with a dagger in her and her best friend dead next to her.

She could barely move but shifted so that she was next to Theo and clasped his hand in her own, "I love you too. More than anyone." Her bloody hand remained in his cold one as her head dropped and she fell into darkness.

There was fighting, everywhere she looked.

Three people were in the middle, Lucius Malfoy, Sirius Black and Harry Potter. Lucius was throwing spells, Harry and Sirius blocking them.

"Expelliarmus," Harry shouted, and Lucius wand went flying backward.

"Nice one James!" Sirius laughed, then someone appeared above.

Bellatrix Lestrange, "Avada Kedavra."

The second killing curse of the evening. It hit Sirius directly in the chest, his smile falling as the life drifted from his eyes. Sirius' body floated into the veil next to him. And all that was heard was Harry's screams as they filled the room.

Adelaide thought she was dead. But she was still there, barely hanging onto life as blood still seeped out, making a puddle around her.

"Dad," Adelaide whispered, she knew it hadn't happened yet, she could still feel him, alive, fighting.

Adelaide looked to Theo next to her, groaning as she sat up, Adelaide closed his eyes, "I'll see you on the other side, T."

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