thirty three

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33 || dances and stress


Christmas is a poor excuse every 25th of December to pick a man's pocket's.

Adelaide had been coerced into reading a Christmas Carol over the holidays and she wasn't ashamed to say she loved it.

The morning of Christmas Day, Adelaide didn't wake up early like usual. Maybe it was the breaking of a tradition but her brain refused to wake her up, instead her head was filled with rainbows and dancing pigs dressed as unicorns.

Blue was curled up at her feet and Astoria was lay next to her, lightly snoring as she dreamt of the usual blonde boy.

Alex walked out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in her mouth and a book in her hand, she checked the time and debated waking up the two teens, if they didn't wake up soon they'd practically miss the whole of Christmas.

Theo strolled into the room in a christmas jumper and slippers with bells on, "Why is no one up and dressed?! I'm not wearing this by myself."

Alex glared at him, "How am I supposed to wake them up? They could sleep through a literal hurricane."

The boy smirked, "Like this," He took off his slippers and in a second had pounced on top of them, Blue ran into Alex's arms and Astoria and Adelaide groaned in pain, "What the fuck Theo?!"

"It's Christmas!"


THE FOUR friends walked into the great hall that morning wearing bright christmas jumpers and matching slippers, they ignored the judging stares and took a seat in their usual spots.

It wasn't long before Colin came over and took a photo of them with a big grin on his face, everything was perfect, they had forgotten about everything outside of Hogwarts and focused on the Yule Ball.

"Don't step on his toes Tori," Alex warned, "One time, Cissy forced us to partner during dance lessons and I accidentally stepped on his foot and he literally tried to stab me with a butter knife. It was very violent."

"Thanks for stressing me out Ally!" Astoria exclaimed, "As if I'm not nervous enough as it is."

Adelaide snickered, "If Ferret comes after you with a butter knife I'll get him back. Just don't stand on his toes."

"Easier said than done," Theo muttered, "I think Luc has broken all of my toes while we were practicing, it literally hurts to walk guys!"

"Well, if it's any consolation, Laurent's a pretty decent dancer. How about you Al, is Lila good at dancing?"

"Yeah, she's not as good as me but she's doing well," Alex boasted, "I'm just kinda scared on what people are going to say."

"Lexi, I just came out as gay to the entire school and no one said a thing," Theo consoled, "Trust me, people will be catching flies because you'll be drop dead gorgeous in that suit."

"Oh, that's my husband," Theo smiled widely and skipped towards Lucas who was also grinning like a child, "Hey hon, I got you a present but we have to wait until we get back to the common room."

"Oh jeez, Tori, catch me, I'm feeling faint and I'm about to throw up," Adelaide laughed, "My eyes! My eyes are burning!"

"I love the shoes guys," Lucas said and Adelaide sat back up.

"Lucky for you, cousin dearest, I brought you a pair too."


FLEUR AND Adelaide walked in the snow having a long awaited catch up, with Fleur all busy with the tasks they barely had time to talk.

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