fifty three

640 21 4

53 || home again

WITH A TUG of her case, Adelaide filed into line with Regulus as they walked into King's cross.

"Are you not a man?" Regulus frowned at his niece, "What?"

"And being a man should you not take my luggage for me?" Adelaide finished, "Oh wait, you're as much a lady as I."

Regulus rolled his eyes, taking the trunk, "Happy? You little devil."

Marlene called out to them from in front, "Can you children hurry up!"

The three joined the rest by the train and Adelaide reached down to the dog by her feet, "I'll see you soon Pads."

"Have a nice year," Marlene said, hugging her daughter, "Don't get into trouble for merlin's sake."

"Yeah, I don't want to deal with angry Marls," Regulus laughed, "But seriously, don't get into trouble," He leant close into the pair, "I heard from a friend that the new Defence teacher is from the ministry and in simple terms, she's a raging bitch."

"I'm sure she'll be put in her place by myself," Adelaide smiled smugly, "I gotta go. Blaise is giving me evil eyes, I can feel it."

She looked over her shoulder to see Blaise glaring at her and silently pleading for her to save him from his mum, "Love you!"

Adelaide ran up to Blaise, jumping into an embrace, "Hey Mrs Zabini, I love your dress," she jumped down from Blaise hugging the woman, "And your shoes, I just think I love you."

"Why thank you my dear," Mrs Zabini smiled, "I'll keep in mind your interests Adelaide."

The girl smiled excitedly, "Bye Mrs Zabini, love you."

Blaise hit her arm, "Oi, that's my mum, jeez."

Adelaide had left Blaise as they entered the train to go to the prefect meeting. She was bored senseless. It was just the head boy and girl going on about their evening patrols and duties as prefects.

She was glad when it was finally over and done with, her and Draco went to find the group of Slytherins.

"Look! It's the prefects, hide the stash," Blaise exclaimed with a smile on his face.

"Shut it, Blaise," Adelaide said, squeezing in next to him, "How's you all then?"

"Talking about the new defence teacher," Alex said, "Ministry woman Lucius said."

"Yeah, Regulus told me. Apparently she's a bitch."

Theo scoffed, "Scratch 'bitch', the woman's an absolute cunt."

"You've met her?"

"Yeah, Delores Umbridge. Dad introduced me to her in the summer, it was pure torture," Theo said with a sigh, "But, we're going to have a great year because guess who's back on the Quidditch team with no interruptions?"

Adelaide cheered for herself, "Honestly, I've been so deprived of my favourite sport for way too long."

"We might actually stand a chance of winning this year," Blaise said, "Thank Merlin Flint's gone, he would've fucked it up somehow."

"I have decided I will get a boyfriend this year," Astoria said, changing the subject and ignoring Draco's subtle face twitch, "And I don't care what house he's from."

"Yeah, because your mum isn't a bitch," Alex said, "My mum would kill me if she found out I was a lesbian, thankfully she's locked up."

Adelaide looked around at these people. Her friends. She realised that they all suffered this summer with Voldemort's return. All their parents were followers bar some.

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