fifty eight

495 15 8

58 || enchanted

The cool, breezy air outside felt foreign to the two Slytherins. As they sat on the astronomy tower ledge, both minds wandered back to the eery summer they had had.

Theo kept his eyes on the sun, it reminded him of the time they'd spent together until fourth year, that was when it started going downhill. To Theo, the group was like his sun, the only hope and light in his life, because when he went back home, it felt like he was stuck in a dark room with no escape.

Alex however, was scribbling something down on paper, Theo didn't know what, but he'd become accustomed to it over the summer and didn't ask her anymore. In total, Alex had written twenty letters and stuffed them hidden away with a concealment charm in case anyone went looking. Unknown to everyone, it detailed everything of the summer, how Voldemort was staying at the Malfoy Manor, how he was building up an army again, what he planned to do and what he planned Alex to do.

If Alex died somehow, she'd set it up for these letters to go to Adelaide or Astoria, hoping they'd tell her story.

"When are you doing it?" Theo asked out of the blue, Alex didn't need any elaboration, she knew what he was talking about.

"They're saying sometime around Christmas," She replied, still scribbling, I haven't heard much from them yet though, maybe it's not happening."

"No, it's happening," He said, "The Dark Lord needs her."

Alex looked up, "Can you please try and be positive Theo," She said, eyes pleading with him, "I'm beyond myself with guilt, I broke up with my girlfriend because I couldn't look at her without seeing the horrible person I have become."

Theo shook his head, "You don't think I'm trying to. Alex, I have to look at her each day and pretend that I'm perfectly fine, that I'm not hiding the biggest secret from her. And she's healing, she's finally healing, and we're going to break her once and for all. And you think it's easy for me to stay positive."

Neither of them spoke.

Alex was staring into the empty space, wondering what it would be like to be born into a normal family, a muggle family. Theo was breathing heavily, his heart feeling like it was going to burst through his rib cage.

"Sorry," Theo uttered under his breath, "It's just- I've been thinking. You broke up with your girlfriend because you feel guilty. I'm still straining Lucas along, he's too involved and once he finds out, he'll be beside himself. I need to break up with him, I need him to hate me now, so that he doesn't love me later. I need to break his heart."

Alex gave him a look of sympathy, "I know you love him," She said her voice a whisper, "So I'll be there for you. You won't go through this alone Theo."

"I know," he said, standing up, "Come on, we've gotta get to the common room before they all notice we've been gone."

Adelaide had spent the evening in the library until Pince kicked her out so now she was walking about the hallways until she felt like going to bed.

A door slammed in the distance and Adelaide recognised it to be the Defence classroom, so that meant Umbridge was coming toward her, she couldn't be caught by Umbridge not when her plan depended on getting the woman's support.

Adelaide pressed herself against a wall as the steps got closer, but as the noise got louder, she realised it was less of a clicking heel sound but a flat foot sound.

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