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14 || third year summer

ADELAIDE SAT on a sun bed in the McKinnon garden, soaking in all the sun she could get before she had to return to the cold depths of Scotland. Marlene had been pestering the girl to talk to her about her father but Adelaide didn't want to. The only person she would talk to was her dead grandmother because she couldn't answer her.

Harry Potter on the other hand enjoyed his summer as much as he could enjoy a summer, he and Sirius exchanged multiple letters and he finally felt like he had family. Of course there were times he felt guilty that Adelaide didn't know about her dad but she already had a family so why would she need a dad.

"Adelaide! Someone is here for you!" Regulus shouted, appearing at the back door, "Dark shaggy hair, weird face," he shivered, "A boy."

"Uncle Reg, you were a boy once," Adelaide stated, placing her sunglasses on top of her book and throwing on her hoodie, "Name of said boy?"

"I didn't ask! He asked for you and I got you, what more could you want?"

"A name Reggie! A name."

Marlene cautiously came through the same back door with the dark haired boy, "Don't worry, this always happens, just wait for the- storm- to pass."

"It's like I'm your slave Adelaide, I'm an attractive man who likes to keep his hands perfectly perfect!" Regulus said, examining his hand as he did.

Adelaide scoffed, "Please. You're just a loner who can't get a shag. At least I can."

At this, Regulus' eyes widened and his mouth wide like a fish, "You-"

"I'm kidding. Just a joke. Merlin almighty, Reg-" Adelaide spotted the boy and she frowned, "Laurent? That's Laurent you twat, Merlin Reg. What the hell are you doing here Laurent?"

Despite her first reaction, the girl ran up to the boy and hugged him tightly, embracing the smell of morning coffee.

"Well, there's something happening this year and I thought I'd get a head start on my English." Laurent smiled, that smile was the one that would make Adelaide crumble to the floor.

"You lived in England for half your life mate, shut it." She scoffed and led him into the house, Regulus watching the boy with glaring eyes.

If you think this has suddenly solved Adelaide's dilemma you are very wrong, whenever she was around Harry she forgot about Laurent and whenever she was around Laurent she forgot about Harry. It was a never ending cycle which is going to end with a broken heart.

That night, Adelaide sat on the roof with Laurent gazing at the stars, the blonde holding onto the brown haired boy for warmth as the breeze picked up further into the night.

The girl had to admit that Laurent looked amazing, like, a-maze-ing, "The moonlight makes you look beautiful." Adelaide muttered, glancing up at him.

"Did you just call me beautiful? That hurts my masculinity Addie." Laurent laughed, "But you look ever beautifuler in the light."

"It's more beautiful."


"You said 'beautifuler'. It's 'more beautiful'." Adelaide corrected with a smirk.

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