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12 || apologies and lies

ADELAIDE NOW spent most of her time at Hagrid's. It was clear that there was no hope in winning Buckbeaks case. So now Adelaide sat side by side with Buckbeak. Hagrid was doing some jobs around the school so the girl took the opportunity.

"Well Beaky, it's been nice knowing you. You're one of the best Hippogriff's I've ever known." Adelaide said on the verge of tears, "Not that I've personally known many."

"You alright?" She looked up and saw Harry standing opposite her, quickly she wiped any tears and stood up from the ground.

"Yes. I'm spectacular."

"I urm- I'm sorry." He said, his voice laced with uncertainty, "For everything."

"You literally did nothing wrong Harry." Adelaide spoke surprising softly.

"No I uh- I know. I'm sorry for Hermione. She kinda told us what happened and I just- I want to say sorry to Lestrange but I haven't been able to find her." Harry said.

"Yeah she's kinda hard to find these days. I'll send her to you when I see her."

The two sat in silence next to Buckbeak, it wasn't an uncomfortable one, they both enjoyed the others company.

"How have you been? I mean- your dad and Buckbeak." Harry asked, still shuffling nervously.

Adelaide chuckled, "I should be asking you that. Didn't Black come into your dorm?"

"Yeah but he came into yours as well."

The Slytherin didn't reply, instead she stood up quickly and began walking back to the castle, ignoring Harry's calls from Hagrid's.

Adelaide was getting even more confused, she had realised that she dearly missed Harry and hanging around with him but she felt butterflies whenever Laurent owled her. Only she could have it bad for two people.

"Addie! So I was thinking that- woah. Excuse me! Don't ignore me Adelaide!"

"Draco. I am not in the mood to deal with your stupid conflict with Potter. Nor am I able to look you in the face without seeing the git who's getting Buckbeak killed." She hissed and pushed past the blonde.

"I was going to-" Draco's voice went quieter and weaker than usual, "Never mind Black. See you at dinner."

Adelaide really couldn't be bothered to deal with draco so she brushed him aside and ran to the common room where theo was sat. She practically jumped onto the poor boy, who had almost had a heart attack, and rested her head on his legs.

"Why is life so hard?"

"Well thinking logically, life is only hard because you make it hard. So what have you done that had caused this?" Theo questioned.

"Right. I met Laurent who is super nice and charming but I think I have feelings for Harry," she ignored the gasp that escaped Theo's mouth, "But I've screwed that up by taking the bitches side when I should've heard the whole story. And now I can't look at him because I feel guilty for leading him on or something."

"You never made any commitments to either boys, Harry nor Laurent. It's your choice babes." Theo said as he brushed her hair with his fingers, "Hey can I-"

"TheeThee! You're here!" Aliase Turnett screeched and glared down at Adelaide, "Black. Can I speak with Theo?"

"I'm not sure. You don't really speak, you kinda scream." She shrugged, "But I am a nice person so I will allow you to talk to my best friend."

Aliase was still glaring at her when Adelaide pecked Theo's cheek, "Love you Theo. Have fun!"

"Merlin save his soul."


"AND GRYFFINDOR beats Slytherin!"

Lee Jordan's voice boomed across the entire Quidditch pitch. Today was the last match of the season and Gryffindor had won the cup. Flint was pissed and Adelaide was even more so at the fact that they could have won if she was there.

"Don't blame yourself Adds, you weren't even on the pitch." Blaise wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked back up to the castle.

"Yeah but I was the one who got kicked off the team."

"For standing up for your friends!" Theo shouted, "If anything it's Dumblwhores fault."

"Dumbledore slander!" Alexandria joined into the conversation, "What's the goss guys?"

"Dumblewhore is a dick." Adelaide stated.

Harry walked past at that moment and eyed Adelaide. She was standing there in a short tennis skirt and, probably Theo's, sweatshirt. But she caught him staring and gave him a wink causing the boy to flush red.

"I don't know why you don't give up on her Harry." Ron sighed, "She's not into you. Cho Chang however..."

He did think about it. For days after all his thoughts were on what Ron had said. Adelaide had never shown an interest to him and he realised it was like following an everlasting rope. Cho however had shown interest, they had even talked a bit but Harry never thought of anything romantic out of it.

Adelaide was still stuck in her dilemma. She liked Laurent. He was hot. She liked Harry. He was also hot. Laurent lived in France. Harry was a Gryffindor. A con for each. Laurent is respectable. Harry is rich, but then again, Adelaide is as well. Her problem had gotten so bad that she was owling Regulus for help. Yes. Regulus Black. The one who asked for swimming lessons from Adelaide when she was five. The one who had never had a significant other in his entire life, unless you count the sofa.

"Reggie said that Harry and Laurent are boys and shouldn't be trusted. He's not helpful." Adelaide said as she flopped onto the sofa beside Pansy, "Hey babe."

"Hey love." She smiled and went back to her reading.

"Just don't date either." Draco said from the other side of the common room, "Potter's a git and this Laurent guy lives ages away."

"Great help there cousin."

"Your welcome cousin."

Alexandria scoffed and pushed Blaise off her lap, "Adelaide Nova McKinnon-Black."

"Oh no. Not the full name." Adelaide muttered.

"With me. Now."

Slowly and carefully, Adelaide stood from the sofa and followed Alex out of the common room, "Hey babe what's up?"

"What's up is that I need to slap some sense into that messed up head of yours!" Alex whispered harshly, "Harry is head over heels for you. He has been since first year. I'm betting that Laurent is a distraction from him."

"What! Where'd you get that idea from?"

"This entire year, all you've done is snog half of our year! It's exhausting! You're going to be known as a whore if you don't stop." Alex said, before registering what she had said Adelaide had raised a fist and closed the space.

"Call me a whore one more time and you'll see what happens Lestrange."

"i was not expecting that." dorcas said as they all stared in shock.

"she packs a good punch." lily shrugged.


bruh. i don't even know what this chapter is.
just got to do the end of poa and then we're onto gof.
if you're still reading thank you so much. i actually love you all.
we're on 8k reads and that is unbelievable!
keep commenting and voting guys <3

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