fourty three

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43 || the minister

DUMBLEDORE STOOD OVER Adelaide as she lay unconscious in the Hospital Wing. Everyone was crowded around them as they awaited his response.

"It seems as though Voldemort induced her into a sleep," The man stated looking at the group, "The good news is that Poppy will be able to wake her up though she may feel disassociated for a bit."

Regulus stood from his seat in the corner, "How could you let this happen? Diggory dead. Adelaide almost taken. Harry traumatised. Voldemort's back. And it's all your fault old man."

Marlene grabbed his arm, "Regulus. Now is not the time. We just have to be there for Adelaide now. Okay?" Regulus nodded and buried his chin into the woman's shoulder as she hugged him.

A gasp sounded the room and Adelaide sat up quickly, hyperventilating, "Woah- hey Adds! It's okay. It's okay!" Regulus said rushing over to her, "It's over. You're back at Hogwarts."

"Cedric? Is he- Is he really-" Dumbledore took over, "Yes Adelaide. Mr Diggory is dead."

Regulus held her close as she breathed heavily, her eyes slowly made their way to the sleeping figure of Harry and all the memory's came flooding back, "Oh my- Wormtail. And- and he's back. Voldemort."

The Weasley family took the memo to leave and as did the children leaving Marlene, Regulus and Sirius with Adelaide.

"What happened?" Marlene asked softly, "How did you get there?"

Adelaide shoved on the hoodie that she guessed Alex or Theo brought for her before taking a drink with some painkillers which were on the bedside table.

"Laurent and I talked for a bit then he left when I asked him I needed a moment. Whoever took me to the graveyard must've followed us there because in a second I was out cold," Adelaide said, "I woke up in the graveyard with no wand and Cedric and Harry."

"Did he say anything?" Sirius asked, the first words that had come out of his mouth since Adelaide awoke, "Voldemort I mean."

Adelaide thought back to just before he knocked her out, "He said he wouldn't kill me because he needed me. And he called me- he called me 'Daughter of Lore' What the hell does that mean?"

Pomfrey walked in before any of the adults could speak up, "I'm afraid Adelaide needs to rest. Her mind is very tired and all this thinking will not help. You can see your friends in the morning Adelaide."

The matron handed her a bottle and Regulus sent her a comforting look unlike her own father who was hard faced. In an instant Adelaide had downed the bottle and was drifting off to sleep.

"The time is here. Your downfall is coming."

. . .

WHEN HARRY AWOKE his first instinct was to look over at Adelaide and to his relief she was sat up reading a book with a cup of coffee beside her and her walkman playing in her ears.

To Harry it looked like she was doing her own thing but Adelaide was really trying to drown out the voice in her head that had been talking to her since she woke up. Queen was helping her focus on something else and Pride and Prejudice made her feel safe.

Theo was sat next to her, his hand covering his mouth as shouts sounded the wing. "That's Fudge's voice," Mrs Weasley whispered. "And that's Minerva McGonagall's, isn't it? But what are they arguing about?" Adelaide removed the headphones off her ears and looked around the room. People were shouting and running toward the hospital wing.

"Regrettable, but all the same, Minerva -" Cornelius Fudge was saying loudly. "You should never have brought it inside the castle!" yelled Professor McGonagall. "When Dumbledore finds out -"

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