ninety two

290 11 1

92 || catch up and let out

Two weeks passed and Adelaide had barely spoken to anyone. When she came back, she thought Theo would be there, waiting, smiling, but he wasn't. She came back, but he didn't.

Over the fortnight, Adelaide had become more mobile, being able to make it to the showers and back without being in too much pain, but she wasn't allowed to leave, Holloway made that very clear.

"In a couple of days, we will have a check of the tissue and muscle around the wound, make sure it's healing. If it looks okay, you will be allowed to return home, but don't go crazy and start playing Quidditch again. Then you will have a psychiatric evaluation, due to the fact that you returned from death, we want to ensure that you are stable enough to get back into the world," He explained, "For the first weeks it will be hard, you will feel a lot of emotions in one go, and that's why it's important for you to have a circle of confidants that you trust."

Adelaide didn't have many people left in her life that she felt she could talk to without judgment. Marlene was gone, Theo was gone, the only person she would talk to was Regulus.

"Anything else?"

"You have a visitor."

Adelaide looked up, after she found out Theo was still dead, she told Holloway she didn't want anyone to come. He respected her wishes and stopped her family from coming up, instead they simply sat in the waiting room until they were kicked out at night.

"Who?" asked Adelaide.

"Alexandria Lestrange."

With a sigh, Adelaide nodded, "Okay."

Holloway left and was replaced with Alex. Her eyes were dark, black circles under them from the lack of sleep and her face hollow, "Adelaide."

She went up to the girl, hugging her, "Ow, wait!" Adelaide gasped, "It still hurts."

"Shit, sorry," Alex apologised, "I can't believe you're actually here."

Adelaide smiled, "Here I am."

"When Regulus told me, I thought he had gone crazy, until the tenth letter when he was practically begging me to believe him," Alex said, "I just- I missed you."

"I missed you too," Adelaide said.

Alex went quiet, "I read the paper. It said my mother stabbed you. I'm so so-"

The blonde cut her off, "No, don't apologise, you can't be blamed for the actions of your mother," Adelaide said, "Besides, it wasn't Bellatrix."

"What? But the Daily Prophet said."

"They didn't know," Adelaide stated, "No one did. It was my mother, Alexis Lore."

"Isn't she dead?" Alex asked.

Adelaide laughed with irony, "Yeah, we all thought that. But she wasn't, isn't."

"Salazar, that's messed up."

"Fucking tell me about it."

Alex spent the rest of visiting hours with Adelaide, the Black told her friend about the other side and Alex told the girl about Hogwarts.

"I should be off, that healer was pretty stubborn when I said I wanted to see you."

"He's protective," Adelaide said, "For the past two weeks he's been the only person I've really spoken too."

Alex frowned, "You don't want to see anyone?"

"It's not that I don't want to. It's just, I see them, and I think, they want me to be back to normal, be happy Adelaide, funny Adelaide. But I can't, not right now." Adelaide said, "And Harry, I can't look at him without realising, I'm not good for him. I'm messed up Alex."

Alex sat down again, "It's up to you to heal, go at your speed. If Harry loves you like he says he does, he'll wait. And if your family love you, they'll understand that death and grief can't be fixed immediately."

"You should be a therapist," Adelaide said, "You're so wise."

"Please, as if anyone would confide in the daughter of a deranged witch."

When Alex left, Adelaide felt alone for the first time since Harry and Sirius had gone. Holloway was tending to other patients and so she was reading books about healing which she had been given so she could understand what was happening to her.

When the two days had passed, Adelaide was lay in her bed as a healer examined her injury, "It's healing at a steady rate," she said, "The potions are working, sometimes the body will reject them."

"So, I can leave?"

The healer nodded, "Yes, we will get your potions sorted out for you to take home. Who would you like us to call?"

"Regulus Black," Adelaide knew he wouldn't ask her questions and she only wanted to go home and sleep in her own bed.

"I'll send for him now."

Thankfully, Adelaide's clothes had been cleaned and she changed into a pair of flowy joggers and a jumper which covered the large bandage over her abdomen. Adelaide was told that could be removed the next time she goes for a shower and wouldn't have to be replaced, only leaving a, currently, red scar that would fade but remain there forever.

"Mr Black is here for you now," Holloway said, "Are you ready?"

"No, but who cares?" She grabbed her crutches from the side of her bed as Holloway took her bag and guided her down the hall.

"We have provided a month's supply of potions," Holloway began explaining, "When Adelaide returns to school, we will ask for a quick check beforehand so we can determine if the potions need to continue, if so, they will be sent to Madam Pomfrey who will provide them there, if not that's a good sign and you won't have to come back here again."

Regulus thanked him and took the bag, they had to drive back home as it was too risky for Adelaide to apparate or floo in her condition, "I heard Alex visited," Regulus said, tapping his fingers along to the Queen song playing, "How was it?"

"It was fine," Adelaide said quietly, "We caught up. That was it."

"You feeling pizza tonight? I am craving it right now."

"Yeah. Pizza's good."


im getting too lazy to write these notes.

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