twenty six

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26 || family tree

ADELAIDE AND Hermione weren't best friends again. The blonde wanted to but at the same time she just couldn't, she felt guilty about everything that had happened and even though Alex had said she was fine with everything there was still that nagging feeling in her stomach.

"I've made up with her Nova," Alex started as they stood in the library, "I know it wasn't her and it was that 'she-devil' inside you. Plus she made me cookies and I'm not going to reject them."

Adelaide groaned, "I know. I forgive her and all but I should've told her sooner."

"Let it go," Alex laughed, "Tomorrow we're going to sneak some fire whiskey from Hogsmead and we're all going to get drunk. Okay?"

"Sure Lex, we all know someone's going to have to keep an eye on you though," The blonde joked and put her books back on the shelf, "I'm off to see Laurent. Love you."

"Love you too."

Laurent and Adelaide were doing well, they weren't official yet but Laurent had bought her a really nice necklace so Adelaide guessed it wouldn't be long.

"Your Uncle sent me a death threat in a very coded way the other week," Laurent stated, "He actually kinda scares me."

"Reg is just sour I've got someone before he has."

The two were sat on her bed cuddled up, Laurent fiddling with Adelaide's hair and the blonde messing around with the rings on the boys hand.

"The first task is coming up soon, you worried for Harry?" Laurent asked, Adelaide had to say she was happy that the boy didn't mind her friendships with the other boys.

"He's got it in the bag. In second year he literally killed a basilisk so..."

"He's a good guy," Laurent said, "We've been hanging out a bit, you know, he always looks so lonely now a-days and I just feel for him."

"I'm glad."


THE SATURDAY before the first task was the first hogsmead weekend. Adelaide and Lucas parted from their friends as they arrived and took a detour to the Shrieking Shack where Lucas' mum was supposed to be meeting them.

"Stop stressing, mum's like the nicest person on Earth," Lucas smiled, "She's probably brought a whole picnic with presents for us."

That calmed Adelaide's nerves, for the first time she was meeting a relative that wasn't crazy or Regulus, it was nerve wracking.

The two snuck into the Shrieking Shack and immediately the atmosphere changed to cold allowing a shiver to run down Adelaide's back.

"Your mum's either a murderer or just really likes the cold," Adelaide joked but jumped when a person announced themselves.

"I can assure you I'm not a murderer Adelaide. Hello sweetie, how's Hogwarts treating you?" The dark haired woman smothered her son in kisses and hugs, "Mum, Mum! I'm okay, jeez."

Adelaide watched awkwardly as the two conversed with each other, she took the time to look around the room, there was a rather large hole near the door and the bed had been completely demolished, Adelaide knew this place was abandoned but she didn't think it was this bad.

"You've grown up since I last saw you Adelaide, I remember when you had no hair and were walking around in nappies," Cassiopeia reminisced.

"We've met before?"

"Oh yeah, before the war ended you came over to mine a lot seeing as your dad and mum were in Order missions," Adelaide noticed the way the woman's eyes hardened when she spoke about Sirius but as soon as it came it was gone, "Your probably so confused right now. Both of you. I can tell your mum and uncle never told you about me. Or your gran. It's safe to say I wasn't the favourite child."

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