sixty three

403 14 4

63 || the dream

Black brick walls covered the entirety of the space. There was no light but one single torch lit up in the corner of the space.

Adelaide felt constricted despite the large amount of space. Her heart was beating so hard it was as if it was about to burst out of her chest.

Suddenly a whoosh sounded and two figures appeared.

"You'll tell me what she is," One hissed.

"Never. She'll never be one of yours." The other stood their group despite a wand pointed at them.

Adelaide didn't know who this 'she' was but it was obvious this was telling her something.

"I don't need you," The first one said sadistically, "We need her."

The familiar flash of green with the curse appeared and Adelaide gasped, seemingly alerting herself to the murdered. They removed the hood revealing the all too familiar and cursing face. Voldemort.

He stepped towards her slowly. Each step getting louder and louder, as Adelaide's breath got heavier and heavier.


Adelaide woke up in a pool of her own sweat. With a hand on her heart, Adelaide pulled open her drawer taking out her pills, the ones she only takes when it gets as bad as this.

"Ads? You alright?"

"I'm fine, Tori, go back to sleep," Adelaide muttered, throwing on a hoodie over her top. It was two in the morning but there was no way Adelaide was going back to sleep, so instead she left the castle, sitting by the side of the Black Lake with a cigarette in between her fingers.

"You're going to ruin your lungs," A voice said but Adelaide didn't get alarmed, she recognised it in an instant.

"Please, they're already ruined," She said, patting the space beside her, "Why're you up?"

Theo shrugged, "Can't sleep recently and then I saw you flee the castle so I thought I'd join you."

Adelaide nodded, "You ever get the feeling you're going a million miles an hour but getting nowhere? That's how I feel right now. I'm trying to get better. I'm trying to get clean. But, everything is like a catalyst around me. My dad. Umbridge. Voldemort. Even fucking Harry Potter. And I want to be better, a better person, a better daughter, a better friend. But there's no way of that ever happening. I'm going to be thirty and a drunk and if I have kids they'll be embarrassed of me and if I have a husband he'll have affairs every day because anyone is better than me."

Theo sat there shocked, "You don't have to be better. You're perfect Adelaide. If anyone needs to be better it's me. I ruin everything."

"You and Lucas?" Adelaide asked but she already knew, "We're messed up together them, aren't we?"

He gave her a shove, "Give me that," Theo said taking the cigarette from her and stumping it out, "If you decided to quit smoking, we'll change together."

"I don't know if I want to make that deal," Adelaide laughed, "Besides, what am I going to do with the rest of the pack?"

Theo ripped it from her hand and threw it into the lake, "Voila."

"I hate you."

"No you love me."

"I hate that I love you."

As the sun rose, the two made their way back to the castle, Theo to get ready for breakfast and Adelaide to talk to Dumbledore.

"Miss Black? It's early, are you okay?"

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