twenty nine

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29 || nightmare

ADELAIDE had expected that Laurent would ask her to the ball because of certain circumstances they found themselves in, but he was yet to do it.

"Ask him yourself," Theo muttered, "Or find another date."

"Says yourself, I don't see you with a date, or Lucas," Adelaide snapped, "Damn, I didn't realise this would be hard."

Truth is, Laurent was struggling on how to ask her and had turned to Lucas for help, "Maybe she'll reject me. That would be humiliating."

"She won't reject you," Lucas said, "She spent the whole of last night complaining that you hadn't asked her yet."

So far Laurent had come up with; a big display with flowers, a simple 'would you like to go to the ball with me?', a riddle, a prank (although that was shut down instantly) and a puppy.

Lucas had voted for the the puppy so that's what they were attempting to sort out.

"So, say I was looking to bring in an animal," Laurent began, looking straight into Hagrid's eyes, "How would I do so discreetly?"

"If yer wan' to bring an animal, yer came to the righ person!" Hagrid exclaimed and they began plotting. Not even a day later, Laurent and Lucas were sneaking in a small labrador, "Stop! I see Snape. False alarm, keep going."

With the help of Alex, who had ensured Adelaide was out of her room, the two boys had placed the dog on the girls bed and tied a note on it's collar. Laurent then hid in the bathroom as Lucas fetched Adelaide.

"Why do you need my Potions book? You've got your own, twat," Adelaide hissed as she got closer to the dorm, Laurent could feel his heart racing, maybe she'd reject him and tear the dogs head off, that would be violent and kind of fitting for Adelaide, "Merlin, Luc- why the fuck is there a dog on my bed?"

Adelaide moved towards the dog who was running towards her, "Heya puppy, what have you got for me?" She began to read the letter, "My dearest Adelaide, the dog's a gift and an incentive to come to the ball. So-"

Laurent stepped out of the bathroom, "Would you like to go to the ball with me Adelaide Nova McKinnon-Black?"

He could've sworn he saw the girl tear up, "Of course I will you douche," She muttered and reached up to kiss him, "I love the dog. I say we call her Blue."

"I like that."

Lucas smiled awkwardly, "I'm just going to take my single self away from this environment and cry into my pillow. See ya."


IN A BLISS mood, Adelaide stepped out of Hogwarts walls and into the forbidden forest, she had no destination yet her feet were leading her somewhere.

"Oh, hello tree! You're looking extra fine today- wait, don't tell Laurent I said that please, he might take back my baby, Blue," Adelaide rambled and continued further in, "Dad! Father dearest! Are you here? Papa! It's me, you're gorgeous, smart, traumatised, amazing daughter! Adelaide Nova McKinnon-Black!"

Everything seemed fine, one minute she was skipping along some lake and the next someone grabbed her by the shoulders harshly, "Don't scream or I'll kill you."

Adelaide gulped in fear but nodded nonetheless, "Who are you?"

"That's private. The question is, who are you?" The man's deep voice embedded in her mind, "Adelaide McKinnon-Black. You are your fathers daughter, I can see that. But you're not your mother's daughter, as much as you'd like to be. Why not?"

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