seventy three

474 16 1

73 || winning

It was the day of Slytherins match against Ravenclaw and the Slytherin team had their breakfast earlier than usual to get down to the pitch. Adrian was eager to win the match with as many points as they could in order to beat Gryffindor, which meant he had them working harder than he ever had.

"Ten laps of the pitch, throwing practice for the beaters, speed practice for Malfoy, and goal practice for keeper and chasers. Let's go," Adrian ordered.

Adelaide and Theo looked at each other, for the past week Adrian had them staying longer with him to study their passing formations, going so far as to even come up with names for them. There was the Black Bounty, the Coup, the False Attacker, the Nott Mayhem and the Pucey Pounce. Each of them had a range of different skills. For example, the Black Bounty involved Adelaide getting the Quaffle and while the other team were chasing after her, Theo would fall underneath her so that she could drop the Quaffle to him with Adrian further down for a long pass to the goals.

To say they were feeling confident was an understatement. Adrian had full hopes that his team were going to beat Ravenclaw and win the cup.

As the stands filled with students and teachers, the two team went off to their changing rooms for a last speech from their captains. Adrian stood on the bench as the rest of the Slytherin team looked up to him like a true leader.

"If we win this match, we have the chance of winning the cup and I have every confidence that we can win. Theo, Adelaide, we've gone over so many tactics and we've perfected them. I'm so proud of the chasers you have become. Draco, you may have bought your way into this team but you're a damn good chaser, so act like it. Crabbe, Goyle. Just don't hit anu bludgers at us, aim for the Ravenclaws please. Miles, we picked you as our keeper because you have the skills, save goals and do your best. Whatever happens today, I will be proud of us as a team."

Theo snorted, "You feeling sappy today?"

Adrian shook his head with a laugh, "Shut up Theo."

"Alright, 'Sappy' on three," Adelaide said, 'One, two, three."


Adrian pulled Adelaide over to the side before they went onto to the pitch, "You've had a tough couple of months Adelaide, but we need you. We need your anger. So be a prick today. Be the prickiest prick of your life."

Adelaide grinned, "I'm always a prick, and I've got the right motivation today."

"Here comes Slytherin," Lee announced, "Will they beat Ravenclaw today and be back in line for the Quidditch Cup. We've got Captain and Chaser, Pucey. Chasers, Black and Nott. Seeker, Malfoy. Keeper, Bletchley. Beaters, Crabbe and Goyle."

Hooch pulled Roger Davis and Adrian into the middle where they shook hands, and like the last time, Adrian muttered a quick good luck before getting into position.

"Mount your brooms," Hooch called and when the last person was on their broom, the starting whistle blew. Adelaide shot into the middle, snatching the Quaffle before anyone else as it was released.

"Black with the first catch of the game, can she make it to the goals? She's surrounded by Ravenclaw and she- she drops it?"

Theo, who was flying under her took possession of the Quaffle and sped away while the Ravenclaw team was confused. Adrian had found space close to the goal and collected the Quaffle with easy.

"What a play! Slytherin have confused Ravenclaw and Pucey is by the goals with no defence around him. He shoots, he scores!" Lee shouted, "Ten points to Slytherin within the first two minutes of the game."

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