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ASTORIA WATCHED AS Adelaide slipped in her seat between Theo and Blaise. Who was Astoria say with? Crabbe and Goyle. Not Voluntarily. They had sat down claiming she looked lonely. Maybe she was lonely, her friends left her because she made a mistake. A mistake that didn't even exist anymore because Laurent and Astoria were a one time thing and the girl knew how bad it was so she got drunk, then high and after a couple hours she had forgotten all about it. She had forgotten Draco knew as well.

Adelaide couldn't hate Astoria. She wanted to, like really wanted to, she wished she could turn off her emotions so she wouldn't care every times she saw her old friend walk by alone. Every time Alex and Theo ignored her like they were never friends. She had spoken to Harry about it and he claimed it was because she had a bit of Gryffindor in her, always wanting to do the right thing. Of course Adelaide laughed at him and went to bed thinking about why Astoria had done it. Was it the need for male validation? Or maybe she just wanted to hurt Adelaide?

But none of that mattered because that morning was the day of the third and final task and Adelaide was more worried for Fleur and Harry than Astoria feeling a little lonely and rightfully guilty.

Shoving a hash brown in her mouth, Blaise shoved her shoulder harshly forcing her to look up, entering the Great Hall was Regulus and Cassiopeia, the former clearly loving the attention he was getting as he walked in. Adelaide shook her head and got up, walking toward them, "What the hell are you two doing here? The task isn't until late."

"Moral support," Regulus shrugged, slinging his arm over his niece's shoulder, "Tell me the drama. Why's Astoria sat with dumb and dumber?"

"It's a long story, tell you later," The three walked up to the teachers table where McGonagall stood, "Cassiopeia. Regulus. I'm glad you could make it. If you could go through, you too Adelaide, the Delacour's are excited for your arrival."

Regulus gave Adelaide a side eye, now knowing that Laurent and her had, in simple terms, gone their separate ways, "I could kill him?" Cassiopeia jabbed his side, "I thought we agreed violence is never the answer."

Adelaide walked into the chamber and upon seeing Mr and Mrs Delacour jumped into their embraces, "I missed our annual christmas this year. We'll go double next year."

"Of course, but I assume the Ball was a lot of fun," Mr Delacour said and Adelaide caught Laurent opening the door with Gabrielle on his feet, "I'll be back," She said then walking over to one of the chairs.

"You don't like all this stuff either?" The blonde whipped her head around to see a ginger crouched beside her, "My mum dragged me here, not usually a fan of gatherings. It's why I moved over to Romania to deal with dragons."

Now that was a conversation Adelaide could be interested in, "You look after dragons? Holy shit, that's fucking awesome mate. Adelaide Black, at your service."

"Charlie Weasley. The one and only," He said, "I can't believe I'm basically meeting a famous person, have you seen the shit Rita Skeeter talks in the Daily Prophet about you."

"A. Bold of you to assume I read. And B. The last time I picked up a Daily Prophet was when Fudge called me in for an interrogation," Charlie stared at her wide eyed, "Let's just say that the Ministry doesn't like me much."

Mrs Weasley stared expectantly at Charlie who sighed, "My mums calling me over. I'll see you later Miss Black."

"And I you Dragon Boy," Adelaide said with a laugh, standing up when Regulus gave her 'help' eyes, "Who are we here for? Harry or Fleur?"

"Cass is here for Harry so she can meet him and I'm here to punch Laurent and also to give Fleur some words of encouragement," Regulus said, "Now that Laurent's dust in the wind, is Harry an option now?" Adelaide death stared him, "Okay... then Hermione?"

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