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5 || the black scruffy dog

DEFENCE Against the Dark Arts had become most student's favourite class. The only people who had anything bad to say about it were Draco and his goons, excluding Blaise, he mostly hung out with Adelaide now. Even though Adelaide had enjoyed the Boggart lesson she didn't go to any more of his lessons. One thing you learn about Adelaide Nova McKinnon-Black is that she holds grudges longer than her name.

"Look at the state of his robes," Malfoy loudly whispered at Lupin walked past, "He dresses like our old house elf."

Adelaide quickly reached up and slapped the back of his head hard, "What the bloody hell Add?!"

"Whoops. My hand slipped." She smiled innocently. Adelaide might not have adored the Professor but she wouldn't have her cousin talking bad about him.

One thing that had been occupying Adelaide's time was boys.

Theo was used to being the main man in her life, well second to Regulus but she wouldn't tell him that, and now Adelaide was going around snogging random guys.

"You've been doing this since we got back to school. Is it the stress of your dad? There are better ways to deal than snog half of Hogwarts." Theo complained as he trailed behind Adelaide in the library. Given she wasn't going to the DADA classes anymore she did her studying alone.

"What's it to you Theo? How is it hurting you?" Adelaide snapped, she really didn't mean to but he had been getting on her nerves recently.

Theo sighed to himself and plonked into a seat at a desk, "I'm just worried for you Nova. Your off all the time and rarely spend time with us."

Adelaide scoffed, "I spend plenty time with you guys. Every meal, most evenings, lesson time, Friday night swims."

Theo still wasn't accepting this, "Look Theo. This is all part of growing up. I'm exploring. Wait- that sounded really wrong. I'm- I'm- going to leave because Potter is on his way here. Bysie bye."

Harry had been looking for Adelaide the whole day, he wanted to know more about Sirius seeing as the man wanted to kill him.

"Adelaide. Adelaide please." He said as she brushed past him, "I need to ask about your father."

Adelaide froze in her tracks and grabbed Harry's hand roughly. She led him out of the library and into a secluded area, "Have you spotted him?"

"What? No! I wanted to know more about him." Harry exclaimed, why does she want to find him? he's a murderer.

"Right. Of course you want to know more. But I can't help you. I don't know much about him myself." Adelaide shrugged, "Ask Lupin they were friends."

"Wait- Lupin and Sirius?" Harry asked flabbergasted.

"Yep. Now I need to be on my way. If Lupin refuses to talk to you come find me. This is the only thing I'll talk about with you and only because my dads after you."

"Thank you Adelaide."

She simply nodded to him and left the hallway.

"Progress." Harry shrugged, "She'll willingly talk to me, just only about a murderer, who happens to be her father."


"MISS BLACK! Are you not supposed to be on your way to my lesson?" Snape hissed as he walked past her sitting at a window.

"I don't know Snappy, aren't you supposed to be teaching said lesson?" Adelaide snapped back.

She hadn't been at her best these past weeks. It was the day before Halloween and her mother had refused to sign her form for Hogsmead so she would be stuck inside. Luckily McGonagall said they could have tea together.

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