seventy six

351 9 2

76 || possessive?

A week passed and Adelaide was yet to be attacked or receive any more daunting warnings, so she went about her school life. Doing her homework, attending quidditch practices, meeting up with Harry whenever she could. Harry was the best bit. Adelaide didn't know how she hadn't spoken up about her feelings earlier, she was usually very confident and open about what she felt.

"I have to get to breakfast," Adelaide muttered, lying in Harry's arms on one of the benches in the courtyard, "They'll be wondering where I am."

"Five more minutes?" Harry pleaded; Adelaide had to peel herself off him fearing she could stay in his comfort forever.

"Nope. We're going," Adelaide decided, taking his hand to pull him up, "When's your interview coming out?"

Harry shrugged, "Luna didn't exactly give me a date. Guess her dad's a bit dreamy too."

"Probably," She agreed, "I'll see you at lunch."

"That's ages away," Harry complained, bringing Adelaide into an embrace.

Adelaide smiled, "I know, but I promised Blaise I'd go for a smoke with him at break."

Two students exited the Great Hall causing Adelaide and Harry to separate, "When are we telling everyone about us? I want them all to know that Adelaide Nova Black is mine."

"Possessive today?" Adelaide laughed, "We'll tell them when all the drama's died down. Also, Umbridge trusts me, I don't think she would if she knew you and I were kissing in empty classrooms."

Harry pulled a face, "Fine, but I've told Ron and Hermione by the way."

"I've told Theo, Lex, Tori, Blaise, and Draco guessed it," Adelaide listed, "I'm just not telling randos like Goyle. Oh- and Adrian knows."

"Sometimes I forget you're one of the Slytherin lot. It scares me."

"Aw. That's the sweetest thing anyone's said to me," Adelaide joked, "Now go, have breakfast."

They parted quickly, Harry going in first with Adelaide entering two minutes after.

When Adelaide sat down, she noticed Theo get really tense. He'd been so off with her after the party, like he didn't want to be seen with her. Adelaide pretended like she didn't notice, hanging out with everyone the same, but she needed to know if she'd done anything wrong.

The group had been talking for a few minutes when they noticed a commotion at the Gryffindor table. No surprise it was between Umbridge and Harry.

"What's she going to do this time? Make having breakfast with friends against the rules?" Astoria joked.

Adelaide looked at her, "Don't go giving her ideas Tori." Umbridge seemed to be outraged as she ripped something from the table and stormed toward the teachers table, "Please don't tell me you've jinxed it, Tori."

By mid-morning enormous signs had been put up all over the school, not just on House notice boards, but in the corridors and classrooms too.

— by order of —

The High Inquisitor of Hogwarts

Any student found in possession of the magazine The Quibbler will be expelled.

The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-seven.


Delores Umbridge

High Inquisitor

"I don't think I'd ever even heard of the Quibbler before this," Blaise said while him and Adelaide were sat by the Black Lake, "Now it's all over school."

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