thirty five

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35 || fire chats

AFTER THE Yule Ball, there were highs and lows all over Hogwarts. Take Alex and Adelaide for an example. Alex asked out Lila Prittle and now they were happily dating. Adelaide got ditched, basically cheated on and then walked out on the guy she loved. That's why this New Years she was going to get absolutely wasted.

"No! I said put it over there- no!" Adelaide groaned in annoyance as she ripped the CD player from a sixth year, "Are you incapable of listening? I said here!" The sixth year scurried back to his friends and Adelaide collapsed onto the sofa as she brought out the letter she had read one too many times now.

I'm sorry we haven't talked much, I've been busing trying to find somewhere-

"Adelaide!" Blaise shouted as he toppled onto her, "What's up?"

The blonde glared at him, "Ow. You hurt my elbow."

"Want me to kiss it better?"

She smiled slightly as she shoved the paper in her back pocket and wrapped her arms around Blaise as if he were her child, "What have you been up to? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"That's because you've been moping over French Boy," Blaise stated, "I say, we get drunk or high, you choose, get laid and everything will be sorted."

The fire spat sparks at them and Blaise jumped back in fear, "The fire's alive! It's alive everyone!" As the boy ran back up to the dorms, Adelaide could've sworn she saw a face in the fire. She felt for the letter in her pocket then looked back at the fire and shocked herself at the sight of Sirius Black. Everyone was beginning to clear out as dinner was fast approaching so Adelaide leant down, "Come back at midnight. I'll make sure it's safe."

Theo came bounding down with Lucas traipsing after him tiredly, "Tell your friend he's stupid." "Tell your cousin he is fit."

"I'm not saying that to my cousin, Theo, but I will tell you you're stupid," Adelaide shrugged and shoved her hoodie back on as she made her way out, "Isn't that Laurent's hoodie?" Theo asked and the blonde stopped, "Yes. It's comfortable and I don't want to face him to give it back so I'm keeping it and the rest I have. I'm off now, toodles."

Harry sat watching the snow fall onto the Hogwarts grounds as Adelaide approached him, "Hey speccy! What's up?"

"I'm still stuck on the task," Harry put his head in his hands and rubbed his temples, "It just screeches every time I open it."

"Bet it sounds like Theo in the shower," Adelaide snorted and she took a swing out of her flask, "Whiskey? Keeps you warm."

Harry shook his head and leant back, "At least Ron's talking to me again."

"Yeah! Congrats on that," The blonde smiled, "Fred and George told me I was significantly high that night and I passed out as soon as I got to my common room."

The boy looked at her confused, "How are you always so happy? We've all heard about Laurent, how are you smiling through it?"

Adelaide dropped her smile. She wasn't getting through it, she cried the whole night and boxing day was filled with tears as well, but no boy was wort crying over, especially a French one, "Alcohol. Works a trick, Hazza."

"What? So you're just drunk all the time?" Harry asked, "Of course you are, that was a stupid question."

"You should try it sometime," Adelaide said, "Draco's not exactly hanging around with us and no one else has an issue with you. Just think about it."

Harry knew he wouldn't take her up in her offer, Adelaide's group was so different to him that it would feel awkward and uncomfortable, he wouldn't drink or do drugs. But there was something about it that seemed appealing. A night to simply forget about everything, forget someone could be trying to murder him forget he would have to go home to his Aunt and Uncle at the end of the year, forget that his Godfather was still in the run and potentially in danger. But in the end he couldn't, it just wasn't him.

"I'll see you later Hazza," Adelaide announced as she stood and pulled her hoodie closer to her body, "I know you'll be able to beat the egg."


AT MIDNIGHT that evening, when everyone else was in their dorms, Adelaide walked into the common room and sat by the fire as she placed charms over the room, "Sirius? You there?"

His ragged face appeared in the fire with a smile, "Hey mini-foot, how are you?"

"Surviving," Adelaide grinned, "But how are you? I'm not the one sleeping, merlin knows where."

Sirius shrugged, although Adelaide only really saw his head tilt to the side, "I'm actually staying at yours for the time being, trying to patch things up with Reg and catching up with Moony, Marls and Mary. Your mum really does do the best Christmas roast!"

The blonde laughed, "It's good you're safe and somewhere nice. I don't like the thought of you sleeping in the Shrieking Shack again."

"Hey, pup, I've got to go, Regulus is gonna start shouting at me for keeping his dumb ass up," Sirius said as he looked back, "Owl me, Adelaide, I'm here if you need to talk. I love you."

"Bye Sirius."

Sirius sighed as Adelaide's face vanished from the fire and he was left with Regulus glaring at him, "Was that Adds? How is she?"

"I think she's okay, but I don't know her too well, it's kinda hard to tell."

"She's like you in that aspect, Adelaide rarely shows her emotions unless it's anger," Regulus said, "Guess it's something to do with the Black family genes." Sirius watched as his brother shuffled on the spot, "Sirius, I think she knows. About everything. Maybe she hasn't realised it yet, but she's catching onto things. McGonagall told Marlene that she saw her walking out of the library with a book about body jumping or something, and something really rattled her at the World Cup. I think you should tell her."

Sirius shook his head, "I can't. It has to be from Marls, and it doesn't even matter now. It's all over. Alexis is dead."


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