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20 || beauxbatons and durmstrang

ADELAIDE rolled out of bed late on the morning the announcement was made, she had missed breakfast and a lesson and a half. Apparently no one had bothered to wake her as she was now stumbling down the corridors to Transfiguration while trying to tie her tie and laces undone.

She crashed in through the door with fifteen minutes left of the lesson, leaving her wonder why she even came but weirdly there was no one in the class room.

"Miss McKinnon-Black, are you not supposed to be in Potions right now, my lesson is later," McGonagall spoke.

"I'm supposed to be in Potions? Well fuck." Adelaide said, collapsing into a chair and rubbing her temples, "You got any biscuits Minnie, I've got a banging headache."

"And how would biscuits help that?"

"Your biscuits help everything." She added with a smile, "Please."

McGonagall sighed but reached for her run nevertheless, "Don't tell anyone, and I'll let Professor Snape and Professor Trelawney know you've been with me all morning."

"I adore you Min-Mins," Adelaide said, blowing the professor a kiss, "See ya later alligator."

Adelaide met her friends in the courtyard, given they had all dropped Care of Magical Creatures they had a free period, "Thanks for waking me up guys, I've missed two lessons today!"

"We tried, but you punched Astoria in the face and threatened to burn Alex's hair off, not to mention poor Pansy who you kicked off the bed," Theo listed, "Point being, you've had a lie in today."

With a groan, Adelaide put her head in her hands, "I'm guessing you haven't seen the news," Astoria said.

"What news?"

"On the 30th October, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are arriving."

"Well shit."


THE FRIDAY came quicker than Adelaide had wanted, she was up at five that morning, making sure she looked better than ever. Potions was last lesson of the day and once Snape had dismissed them, they all shoved their belongings into their dorms and rushed back to the entrance hall, Adelaide had actually worn her full uniform today so Snape had nothing to complain about.

To her anyway.

"Nott, that shirt looks horrendous."

"Black, not you McKinnon-Black, other Black, your shoes are so dull I couldn't get the slightest reflection."

"Ratole, I don't even know where to begin."

Once the greasy thing was moderately pleased he lined them up in years and led to the front of the castle. It was a cold, clearevening; dusk was falling and a pale, transparent-looking moon was alreadyshining over the Forbidden Forest. Adelaide could see Harry on the far side and sent him a small smile.

"Almost six," Draco muttered, placing a pocket watch back into his cloak, "They better hurry up, I'm starving."

"Shut up ferret," Adelaide groaned, "Your voice gives me a headache."

"They could be apparating," A third year suggested to their friend.

"You cant apparate into or out of Hogwarts idiots, merlin! Has no one read Hogwarts, A History." Adelaide snapped, getting shushed by Snape.

And then Dumbledore called out from the back row where he stood with the otherteachers - "Aha! Unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation fromBeauxbatons approaches!"

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