twenty seven

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27 || the first task

tw // misuse of drugs

THE SUNDAY morning of the task, Adelaide woke up early and got dressed into a pair of cargo pants (that previously belonged to Regulus) and a tank top. Her plan was to steal another hoodie from Laurent when he realised she was shivering, it had worked the past five times.

The blonde strolled into the great hall and sat next to Blaise and Pansy, "What's up weirdos?"

"Hey Adds," Pansy smiled and took a bite of toast, "Where's the rest of your clan?"

"Sleeping, I couldn't stare at my ceiling any longer."

The three picked at their breakfast for a while before the whole squad arrived, "What's up weirdos?" Theo called out and jumped in the spot next to Adelaide.

"You two are so alike it's scary," Blaise muttered and took a gulp of his coffee.

"I can't wait for Potter to loose and cry to his mummy," Draco laughed, Pansy joining him, however no one else did.

Adelaide reached over and whacked the side of his head, "How about you shut up? Or should we throw you into a tournament at fourteen and see if you survive? I can guarantee one second in you'd be whining about your stupid hair."

The ferret stood from his seat and stomped to Crabbe and Goyle, "Well, that's that. How is everyone this fine morning?"

"Nova, where's your jumper?" Alex asked, sounding too much like a mother.

"I'm conning Laurent into giving me his again, that'll be the sixth one," She said with a proud smile, Theo high fived her under the table.

"Harry's looking a bit pale," Lucas pointed out, "Him and Ron made up yet?"

Adelaide shook her head, "Nope, I mean Ron misses Harry but he refuses to apologise and keeps dragging it on. And Harry misses Ron just as much but he can't apologise because he's not the one in the wrong. Honestly it's tiring and I want to murder speccy and gingy."

After breakfast the group hid out at the black lake, turns out Adrian Pucey was a great person. Theo and Adelaide were stumbling as they danced around the space, empty land filling up with giggles of two teens, "I love you guys," Adelaide murmured, "I don't say it enough but you are the best friends I could ask for. Now hand me another joint Zabini!"

The seven Slytherins were high as a kite, they'd all be expelled if a teacher had found them as they were, thankfully it was only Adrian and Graham who came to collect them for the first task.

"Alright youngsters," Adrian shouted as he clapped his hands, "Time to cheer for Hogwarts and MB's friend."

They looked like a rabble of wild animals as they made their way towards the makeshift stadium, Adelaide was too high that she hadn't notice her mum, Uncle, Mr and Mrs Delacour all sat a couple rows away from them.

"Where's Laurent? Laurent!" Adelaide yelled, gaining attention from multiple students, "Oh bloody hell, it's fucking freezing."

As if on command, Laurent came running up to her and engulfing her in a hug, "You stink of weed. Put this on." He took off his hoodie and shoved it over Adelaide's head, "Your mum and Uncle are over there. If they see you while you're high they'll murder you then me. So quiet down and pretend you don't exist."

The blonde shrunk into her seat while resting her head on the boys shoulder, and even though Laurent was kinda pissed that she had gotten high, he couldn't help but think about how lucky he was. Out of all the guys chasing Adelaide, he was the one who got to cuddle her at the end of the day, he was the one who got to greet her with kisses, he was the one who would call her girlfriend.

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