ninety five

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September 1, 1996. The beginning of sixth year.

Adelaide was bouncing her leg at the table as Sirius and Regulus were talking nonsense.

"Don't train too hard in the first month."

"Please don't drink too much."

"Stay safe."

"Don't shag anyone."

"Be responsible."

"Host a party."

You can decide who was saying what, but for Adelaide, it was going in one ear and out the other, "Can we just go?"

"Yeah, I've got your bag," Regulus said, and they set off.

Kings Cross Station was booming with noise at 11:37 that morning, the three Black's had to bustle through the crowds of muggles before they could even get to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, and somehow that was worse. After they had passed the two Aurors stood guard, who looked at the three fearsomely, given they were a newly proven innocent criminal, a girl who came back from the dead and Regulus Black, they finally got through the barrier.

"Coming through, excuse me, sorry," Sirius muttered as Adelaide and Regulus just barged through the crowds.

"Weasley's are late as usual," Regulus stated, checking his watch, "Do you want to wait?"

"No," Adelaide said bluntly, "I'll just go and find somewhere to sit."

The man nodded and hugged his niece, "Anything happens, and I mean anything, even the smallest thing, you owl me. I'm only a message away."

"I know."

Sirius embraced Adelaide next, "Now I'm free I can come visit you in Hogsmead, maybe get a butterbeer."

"That would be nice," Adelaide said, pulling away, "Okay. See you guys at Christmas."

"Love you!" The two shouted as Adelaide walked away, shaking her head.

The walk to the train doors was awful. Parents stopped what they were doing and gawped at Adelaide, seemingly shocked at her return, while other guided their children away as if she was some disease to catch.

When she eventually found somewhere quiet and empty, Adelaide collapsed onto the seats, shutting her eyes as she let out a sigh, "Merlin just get this year over with." The lonesome atmosphere didn't last long as Astoria came in, followed by Alex, followed by Blaise, followed by Draco. The last boy glaring at Adelaide.

"Who put the devil in you?" Adelaide asked.

Draco scoffed, "As if you don't know."

"Is this about daddy being in Azkaban? Bless. That sounds terrible," She feigned sadness, "Some people have bigger things than your Death Eater father being rightfully locked up for his crimes."

"You say that again," Draco seethed.

It wasn't even eleven and there was already a commotion.

"Your father deserves to rot away, and I hope he stays there until he dies."

Draco stood up, trying to act tough, "He's not the one that died."

Adelaide followed his action, while she wasn't aware if Draco meant her or Theo, she was still going to fight back, "We can all read the papers Bleach Boy, find something new to talk about."

"Bet you enjoy it, having your name plastered on every front page."

She frowned, "Oh yeah, I totally love being showered in 'I thought she was dead' as if I didn't know that. And those pictures, they were delightful. I find it great when the photographers try to get pictures of two dead teenagers."

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