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10 || the ban

SLYTHERIN HAD played Ravenclaw a week after the start of term, Slytherin clearly won because Adelaide was playing although it was a close call. Meaning Flint called more and more practices.

"It was acceptable today. We have to be better! I'm beating Gryffindor this year." Flint shouted at the end of practice.

Adelaide turned around to face him, "You mean we. As a team. We."

"Sure. That's what I meant Adelaide."

Apart from training, Adelaide wasn't doing much. Hermione and Alex were getting closer and Astoria seemed to be hanging around Draco a lot more so it was mostly Adelaide and Theo around.

That was until the early weeks of February when Alex came into Theo's dorm on the verge of tears, "Woah! Calm down Lexie-bear. Sit down." Adelaide said and led the girl to the beds, "Tell us what's wrong."

"I- I was in the library and I heard- I heard Hermione talking to Lavender." Alex stuttered and both Adelaide and Theo could tell this wasn't going to be fun, "She was saying how- how she was using us to find out if Black got in by us. Then she-"

Alex stopped mid-sentence, "Al, it's okay." Theo stated, "You can tell us."

"She- she said that I was a- a freak. For liking girls."

Adelaide scoffed and stood up, "Where are you going?" Alex asked suddenly.

"To show that bitch that if she hurts one of us she hurts all of us. And then I'll hurt her." Adelaide smirked and grabbed her wand on the way out.

"Ah shit." James laughed, "I'm loving the drama this year."

"Never thought Hermione would say that." Lily said, "It's so not like her."

"Lils, people aren't always who they appear to be. Think about Snivellus, you thought he was nice, but he called you that horrible slur for years." Dorcas said, "I'm not saying Hermione's a horrible person but she said that and it's not acceptable. Speaking from experience, Lex deserves better."

Lily and James looked up to Dorcas in shock, "When did you get so wise?"

"Excuse me! I always have been."


ADELAIDE marched into the library where she knew Hermione would still be. Ever since the fight between the boys and her she would rarely be in the common room.

Hermione looked up with a smile when Adelaide approached, "Hey Adela-"

"Get up. Now." Adelaide hissed.

The Gryffindor gave her a confused look but got up from her seat nonetheless, "Addie what's-"


Hermione now followed Adelaide, scared out of her mind, the only time Adelaide had been this angry was probably second year when Lavender and her had a fight.

Once they were in a quiet hallway Adelaide stopped and pushed Hermione up against the wall with her wand to her neck, "You like talking shit right? About people who were there for you when you were crying over your stupid crush? Well guess what, no one cares about you or your stupid little sob story or your dumb grades. You're a little bitch and no one hurts my friends and gets away with it."

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