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1 || their quartet

"Hello friends. How are we all this fine day?"

"Daphne's a bitch."

That's Astoria Greengrass. Slytherin, pureblood, extraordinarily beautiful.

"My father wants me to get married."

Theodore Nott. Also pureblood, also Slytherin, also insanely handsome.

"My cousin has a creepy obsession with Harry Potter."

Alexandria Lestrange, another pureblood, another Slytherin, gorgeous.

"Sounds fun."

Adelaide Mckinnon-Black, halfblood, Slytherin, she could say she carries the Black genes.

This was their quartet, four third year Slytherins who don't really fit in well enough with Malfoy and his goons yet are still respected.

Sometimes they had Blaise Zabini being a guest star in their special series but that didn't last long and he was soon back to being Ferret Boy's right hand man.

The revealing of Adelaide's house was a massive surprise to Marlene McKinnon. She wasn't angry or ready to disown her daughter, just shocked. She did grow up with two Gryffindor parental figures, but then again Walburga and Regulus also played a huge role in her life.

Much to their dismay though, Adelaide didn't get along with Harry Potter. She claimed he was too annoying and such a prick so she didn't talk to him, which was true.

On the other hand, Harry was deeply invested in finding out Adelaide's backstory. According to his sources (Ron Wealsey) she had two Gryffindor parents but her dad wasn't around anymore, he didn't know their names, only that she was born from the Noble House of Black. That was until this year, Mr Weasley had told him that Sirius Black could be after him and he put the pieces together. Harry had a crush on her and he was a stalker basically.

"You feeling okay Adelaide?" Theo questioned, referring to her father's little adventure from Azkaban.

Adelaide shook off her leather jacket, which was oversized on her but her mother had given it to her when she was about eight and Adelaide hadn't let it out of her sight since.

"I'm great. Dear old daddykins is on the run. People are probably going to think I'm helping him. Which is certainly not true. My sperm donor can go fuck himself." She ranted.

"How's Mumma Dos?" Alexandria asked looking up from her book.

Ever since the trio had visited the McKinnon house in second year, Alexandria was basically a second daughter to Marlene. Probably because Alex never had a real mum considering hers went to Azkaban before she could properly talk.

"Mum is having about five mental breakdowns a day. I'm sure it's because of my father. But Reg has been helping."

"Your family is the coolest." Theo exclaimed, "Your mum is gorgeous. Your Uncle is Regulus Black, must I say anything more. And your godmother has the best fashion sense. She sent me a magazine she had made herself of outfit collages for me. They were perfect."

"Tell me about it." Astoria sighed, "I have to deal with whining Daphne and you get you amazing family."

"I'm lucky." Adelaide stated and reached into her bag pulling three wrapped objects out, "I went to a muggle town in the summer and found this vintage shop. I couldn't resist myself and got you all a present."

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