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19 || mini-foot

MINERVA McGonagall was used to the Black fanatics by now. Sirius was a pain to deal with in his youth and somehow Adelaide was worse. That's why she wasn't surprised when Adelaide McKinnon -Black came crashing into her office so early in the morning.

"Okay, Min-Mins. Hypothetically," Adelaide started, "If I was concerned about something that happened to be illegal, should I report it?"

"Wha- Of course! Yes!" McGonagall exclaimed, "Why wouldn't you?"

"Because I could, still hypothetically, get murdered or tortured, or mauled or-"

"What's wrong Miss McKinnon-Black?"

That's the thing. Adelaide didn't know what was wrong. She honestly didn't even know why she was here.

"Fine!" Just how to start the year, "It's about me. I was thinking of becoming an animagus," Lies.

McGonagall face palmed, "Just like your father and his friends."

"My dad was an animagus?" Adelaide asked, shocked.

"Yes, the trouble they caused. A stag and a dog running around Hogwarts and they thought I wouldn't notice."

Adelaide had an epiphany.

A dog.

An Animagus.

Sirius Black.

"Holy shit."

Adelaide had sprinted to the Owlery before you could say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. She ripped a sheet of parchment and began writing immediately.


I think I know who you are but I want to be sure. If you are who I think you are meet me at our spot in your real form.


Honestly, Adelaide didn't think anyone would understand a letter like that but if Sirius was really Snuffles then he had to understand it.

She swayed a snowy owl in delivering the letter and lied by saying it's owner had asked her to bring it, after that it flew away immediately. Leaving Adelaide with the question...

How do the owls always know where they're going?

In some snowy mountains far away, a scruffy man sat chewing on some rabbit foot.

"How's this Buck? Luxurious living. We could put some leaves over there and an arrangement of flowers over there. Oh, when Moony visits he'll be so happy!" He gushed but was interrupted by the usual owl screeching to get his attention, "Oh, it's only you Hedwig. What have you got for me?"

Sirius Black ripped the letter from the owls teeth and slowly peeled it open, being more cautious as the handwriting was neither Harry's nor Remus'.

"Oh fuck me." He muttered, the picked the other one up.

"Double fuck me."

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