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𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

Miles away from my home - London. Miles away from my auntie.

I mindlessly trailed after Adana, who is exceedingly thrilled.

"Miss Richards, Miss Ibrahim."- stated a tall man in black suit, opening the car door kindly.

"Well, hello there, hottie."- said bluntly Ad, winking at the man, who smirked at her, clearly liking her.

The drive was silent as I kept texting my auntie, worrying about her to no extend. Her heart cannot take even the tiniest form of stress, she needs to be at peace and feel nothing, but calmness and joy.

"C, chill. Aunt Sel is the most bad ass woman out there. She will be just fine."- soothed Adana, rubbing my arm reassuringly, and I sighed, glancing outside the window.

"You can start your own business with the money, which those crazily rich lads will pay. You can finally become the best architect in the world."- stated my best friend with a smile that I couldn't return.

"Ad, you know that I am not going to do it."- I said softly, having utterly different goals.

I do not want to open my own company any longer. I do not want to have my own architectural company. I do not want to work in sphere I have been dying after all those years.

All I want is for my auntie to get well and have much needed surgery that will help her health. I do not care what I have to do in order to help her because she is my only family left. I cannot imagine my life without her: she raised me, taught me all I know, gave me priceless believes and morals. I want to treat her in the finest ways possible and impossible. I want her to live freely and happily.

In another 10 minutes we reached some headquarters, I assume.

"Well, now I see where loaded people spend their money."- stated Adana with a smirk, liking lavishness and big wallets.

"Mr di Vittori is waiting for you. Mr Lawali will walk you to him. Your luggage will be taken to your suits in the hotel, to which I will take you right after your meeting with Mr di Vittori."- stated the chauffeur calmly.

"Mr Lawali as in Ali Lawali?"- asked in pure thrill my bestie and the man nodded.

"Sugar daddy, here I come."- mumbled excitedly Adana, fixing her blouse, which has very low neckline, purposefully showing off her bonus from nature.

"Thank you."- I told the man politely with a smile before Ad dragged me inside.

We entered the grand building and a man approached us, judging by Ad's smirk and lustful eyes - that's Mr Lawali.

"Good morning, ladies. I am Ali Lawali, Mr di Vittori's right hand."- stated the man with a smile, his eyes attached to my bestie.

"Good morning. I am Adana Ibrahim and this is my bestie Celest Richards."- said Ad, shaking his hand before I did the same, offering him a small, but sincere smile.

"Please, follow me."- said the man and we trailed after him to a boardroom.

Once he knocked on the door, he opened it and entered, letting us in afterwards.

"Comportatevi al meglio."- said Mr Lawali to the man, whose back is facing us. (Be on your best behaviour.)

"Taci e di' a Massimo di occuparsi di quel compito. Ho cose migliori da fare."- answered the man, his voice husky, deep, smoky, yet so velvety and soothing. (Shut up and tell Massimo to take over that task. I have better things to do.)

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