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𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

Warm sunlight peeked through the curtains. A pair of tattooed, mighty arms are tightly wrapped around me, steady and warm breathing tickles my temple and soft fingertips gently trail up and down my bare spine.

My green eyes fluttered open and I smiled happily, my cheeks turning pink as I saw my beautiful diamond rings.

I am married to the love of my life.

"Good morning, mia piccola cara."- said the raspy, velvety, smooth voice, making my heart burst from love as I tilted my head back, gazing into the pair of the most mesmerising, cloud-grey eyes. 

"Good morning, my husband."- I spoke in pure felicity, smiling merrily as he cupped my cheek, leaning down to my level until our lips were just an inch apart. 

"Say that again."- murmured Sandro with a smile, caressing my cheekbone delicately. 

"My husband."- I repeated proudly and adoringly, delicately resting my hands on the sides of his neck. 

"My world."- I said softly, melting in his passionate, loving kiss that gave me everything and more. 

His large, manly hands cupped my face lovingly, our lips caressing devotedly as we smiled like puppies, elated and high on love. 

"I love you so much, my beautiful wife."- stated Alessandro in the kiss, taking my breath away with it, smiling as I pulled him closer, lost in his heavenly, protective embrace. 

"I love you very much, my life."- I professed sincerely, sparks rushing through me once his ring brushed against my cheek, reminding me that yesterday was not a dream by any means.

He really is mine, mine for infinity and longer.

I pressed our lips together firmer and he kissed me sensually, skimming one of his hands down my body. His knuckles brushed against my neck, moving down to the valley of my breasts, stomach and hips until his hand slipped between my legs, my breathy gasp sunk into his mouth. 

"I am taking you on our honeymoon for an entire month, gattina."- said Sandro, delicately massaging my core, making me moan against his plump, kissable lips. 

"For an entire month, it is going to be just you, our son and I in the Maldives, enjoying our family time and first trip as a family."- shared my husband, kissing my cheek tenderly, moving closer to my ear. 

"But it is also going to be a month of us doing nothing, except savouring our perfect marriage and love. I want your pretty mind to be free and occupied by nothing, but you and me. I want you to relax and relish in the moment without any second thoughts, to focus on us only and make the most of our honeymoon."- he whispered in my ear, pushing his middle finger in me, making me sigh and clutch his broad, muscular shoulders. 

My hips rocked into his hand and he didn't delay to give me what I want. 

Sandro laid down on my back and kissed my body, worshipping me with every caress, so mellow and tender with me. His lips laid a heated kiss on my thighs that he parted for himself before feasting, blowing my mind off to the point my legs were trembling and my heart was like a ticking bomb.

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