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3 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳.

𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

3 years.

I have been a husband and a father for 3 years, only it doesn't feel like it has been 3 years.

It feels like a timeless and sweet heaven, a paradise that I am so lucky to share with the breathtaking woman, whom I adore with all my heart, and our beautiful children.

A bright smile framed my face as I made jasmine tea, happier than ever in my own home with a family of my own

"Papà."- murmured the sweetest voices as I glanced at the doorway, smiling and crouching down to my sons' level. 

"Buongiorno, i miei piccoli cavalieri"- I said lovingly, wrapping my 4-year-old and 3-year-old boys in my arms as they hugged me tightly, snuggling into me adoringly. (Good morning, my tiny knights.) 

"Buongiorno, papà."- replied my sons, smiling as I kissed their temples, scooping them up in my arms. 

"Ti vogliamo tanto bene, papà."- murmured Tomie so purely, laying his cheek on my shoulder, our identical grey eyes meeting, making my heart skip dozens of beats. (We love you so much, daddy.)

"Sei il nostro supereroe, ti apprezziamo tantissimo."- spoke Luca and Angelo sincerely, their dusky grey eyes on mine, giving my heart a million reasons why to soar with delight. (You are our superhero, we cherish you so much.)

"Vi amo tanto, ragazzi miei. Siete il mio mondo, vi ringrazio ogni singolo giorno."- I said softly, kissing their foreheads, hugging them closer to myself as they held onto me, nestled in my embrace, where they are the safest and the most loved. (I love you so much, my little boys. You are my world, I thank for you every single day.)

My boys remained in my arms, hugging me, and I just held them, thankful for my children, unable to imagine myself without them. 

"Cosa stai facendo, papà?"- asked Luca adorably when he took a look around our kitchen. (What are you doing, daddy?) 

"Sto preparando la colazione per noi, mio bel principe."- I responded, adding 1 spoonful of sugar to my sweet wife's tea, just the way she likes it the most. (I am making breakfast for us, my handsome prince.)

"Possiamo aiutarti, per favore, papà?"- asked Tomas happily, causing me to smile as they beamed at me, so charming and kindhearted. (Can we help, please, daddy?)

"Mi piacerebbe molto, i miei piccoli gentiluomini."- I responded lovingly, relishing in my boy's hug and smile. (I would love that, my small gentlemen.) 

I sat my sons on the worktop and let them get the ends of the strawberries out while I am making french toast, the four of us playing around and chatting so mellowly, soaked up in the special bubble of our own.

"Potresti aggiungerne di più, mia piccola gioia."- I told Angelo with a chuckle as he beamed, eagerly adding more powdered sugar to Celest's toast. (You might want to add more of that, my little joy.) 

"E un po' di banana per la mamma."- chirped Tomie, adding the small, cut pieces of banana near the toast while Luca placed strawberries neatly on top, all 3 of them wanting nothing, but to make their mum happy and bring a smile to her comely face. (And a little bit of banana for mummy.)

Like the most immaculate team, we made breakfast in no time and soon enough were on our way to surprise our princess with breakfast in bed on a mellow, September morning. 

I opened the door quietly, lacking the words as my eyes met the pair of the most enchanting, bottomless, soft green eyes that glimmered at the sight of me and our sons. 

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