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𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

"I am glad you are doing okay. I will fly back tomorrow, at 3PM I will be home and we can do something nice together."- I said with a smile, looking at the window in the library, admiring the truly enrapturing garden.

"Honey, I am really excited to see you, but your sweet voice is concerning. Is everything okay?"- said auntie and I nibbled my bottom lip, having no idea what to say.

How do I tell my auntie that I gave myself to a stranger? That we had sex 3 times? That it was so, so, so, so wrong and irresponsible, yet I enjoyed every single second? That I am in his house right now? That I am wearing his clothes?

"Is it about that mysterious man, dear?"- asked auntie, cracking me open, my cheeks burning rosy.

"No, I am okay, really."- I denied, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"So it is indeed about him."- said knowingly my aunt, her voice calm and kind.

"Darling, I'll tell you what: no matter what happened between the two of you, you should go for it if it feels good to you. No person is perfect, everyone has sins, flaws and made mistakes. If he makes your heart flutter and takes away your breath - he is worth fighting for. It doesn't matter who he is, what he does, where he comes from: if man wants you, he will chance and work on himself; no job defines person's personality; no country should ever be an obstacle for a relationship to blossom."- consulted my auntie, seeing through me.

"You are very young, stunning, benevolent woman. You shouldn't waste your life by spending it in four walls, working 24/7 and sleeping for 5 hours. You have so many goals, you have such wonderful chance to explore a beautiful country and you have a chance to get to know a charming young man."- soothed auntie warmly and I took a deep breath, glancing at the ceiling, my mind wrecking itself.

Country is beautiful, far more than that.

Charming young man? Not him. Not yet at least.

I haven't seen any bit of charm in him. He is cold, territorial, selfish and greedy. The way he touches me, looks at me, kisses me - it's aggressive, violent, salacious, rough. Those brisk moments of feathery tenderness get clouded by his harsh grasp of me, possessive gaze and domineering aura.

This is toxic. I don't want it.

I don't need it.

"No, I am fine. Nothing happened, auntie, everything is okay. I will be home tomorrow and we will go on living as we did."- I spoke, convincing her or myself: mystery that I cannot solve.

Auntie didn't pressure further. She told me about the new recipe she tried out and we discussed what could be edited in it. Pleasant chatter lasted til 8PM - high time for her to go to bed.

I exited the library, needing to get out of here and get back to the hotel. It is past midnight - nobody is in the mansion, guards are outdoors. 

I found my purse before changing into my clothes, putting my phone in purse and wearing my heels.

Once I was dressed, I headed downstairs, only to hear sound of something being poured. My foolish curiosity got the best of me and I peered in the room, just to freeze and regret my decision.

Messy, very-very messy, voluminous, silky, midnight black hair. Small stands fell across his smooth forehead. Prepossessing face of divine beauty: ideally shaped, arched brows are as dark as the night; the longest, the thickest, the darkest lashes; masculine nose is very beautiful, yet cute as it is slightly turned-up; defined cheekbones; razor-sharp jawline that I had a heavenly chance to kiss, trace with my fingertips; plump, full, pink lips that taste like cool, crisp mint - flavour that I had luxury to relish in.

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