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𝘑𝘶𝘭𝘺 27𝘵𝘩.

𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘴. 

𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

I exited the bathroom, tying the towel around my hips, smirking as my dusky grey eyes trailed along my wife's appearance.

Nothing, except silk, white sheets on her little, sexy body. 

That's the sight and knowledge I fucking love to wake up with. 

I approached our bed, my smirking darkening once Celest shifted, covers sliding off her dainty back all the way down to that handful, delectable, round ass. 

"Gattina."- I whispered to her, kissing her bare shoulder softly, my knuckles gentle against her small cheek.

"Mhm, Sandro."- whispered my beloved, a low swear trailing off my tongue as she nearly moaned my name, tenderly clutching my hand in her tiny one. 

My hand snuck under those silken sheets, slipping between her slender, beautiful legs. 

"Fuck, I love your pussy, mia bella cara."- I spoke huskily, sighing gruffly once my wife moaned sweetly, holding onto my hand as I rubbed her little clit, teasing her gently. 

"Sandro, God."- moaned my darling, aching into me as I took care of her, kissing her neck heatedly. 

"Open your legs wide for me, mia piccola. Let me make you cum, mio fiorellino."- I whispered in her ear, smirking as her slim legs parter, letting me look after my wife's needs appropriately. 

"Good girl. Now moan for me, baby girl."- I praised my angel, her cheeks going rosy and plump lips parting in pleasure.

Waking up to a sweet, gentle orgasm is a feeling I fucking love to spoil my precious wife with. 

Just a few affectionate, lush strokes and lubricious whispers were all it took for Celest to reach such a beautiful orgasm, her sleek, tight, perfect pussy so needy and all fucking mine. 

"Think you can ride me, gattina?"- I asked her smokily, my hand still between her legs, keeping her on the thinnest edge. 

"You plan to make the most of today?"- asked my angel shyly, moaning as I kissed her shoulder, delicately fingering her, slowly and steadily.

She is 36 weeks pregnant - today is the last day we can have sex. 

My sweetness, like the pure angel that she is, really thought that her being 36 weeks pregnant with our twins can stop my desire to fuck her into oblivion, especially if we consider how intensively we have been fucking those days.

Fuck, if she only knew what's on my mind.

"The most doesn't even cover half of what I want to do to you, your sexy body, tight pussy and sanity, mia cara principessa. There will be no inch of you that I won't please, kiss, caress, bite and mark. I will fuck you in ways that will keep your memory fresh for those next 10 weeks, not letting you forget even for a second how much you love my dick, tongue and hands and how damn fine we spend time together, alone, locked up in our bedroom and busy in our bed."- I stated hoarsely, my hands soft against her sleek, lustrous skin. 

"I want to kiss you."- pleaded my treasure, turning around needfully, and I leaned down, granting my goddess her wish as she moaned, hugging me tight to herself.

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