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𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

3 in the morning.

The pair of strong, inked, powerful arms wrapped around my waist firmed, holding onto me, waking me up. I glanced at Sandro in worry, every fibre of my being crashed and full of ache as I saw his robust 6'7 physic press into me, hiding in my arms, seeking me as if I am not right here. 

He is having nightmares again.

"My treasure."- I whispered lovingly, tenderly cupping his handsome face, my heart dropping as a tear rushed down his soft cheek. 

"My love, wake up, please."- I said gently, wiping away his tears, and he hugged me tighter, clutching onto me like his lifeline. 

"Mamma, svegliati, per favore."- he begged in his sleep, tears staining his perfect face, his voice like a whisper, my heart breaking into pieces. (Mum, wake up, please.)

"Sandro, my sweet love, wake up, please."- I whispered softly, kissing his tears away gently, resting my forehead against his. 

He pulled me closer, murmuring pleas in Italian, begging his mum and little brother to come back, asking them not to leave him alone. 

"My life, I am begging you, wake up."- I said in worry, tears of my own running down my face, and tenderly shook him, my heart like a wreck. 

His beautiful, dusky grey eyes opened, locking on my green irises immediately, my soul bleeding as I saw horror, pain, grief, guilt and tears in his heavenly eyes. He sat up from fright and I sat up too, covers laying across his lap while I held my side of the silk covers against my bare chest.

I opened my arms wide for him and he hid in my embrace, letting his guard down lower than ever, crying in my arms and letting every built-up emotion out.

"Shh, it's going to be okay. I got you, my love."- I whispered softly, caressing the back of his head, holding him in my arms tightly, kissing his temple as he hugged me securely, afraid to let go.

"You are safe, we are okay, I promise."- I soothed him lovingly, running my fingers through his velvety, messy, inky black hair as he blinked away tears silently. 

"Sono spariti."- he whispered brokenly, my eyes closing as tears streamed down my cheek. (They are gone.)

"They are not gone, my life. They are with you every single day."- I said softly, cupping his face delicately, our foreheads resting together. 

"They live in your heart and your memory. They watch over you every day and they are so proud of you and everything you do. You are everything and more for your mum and little brother. You make them so proud each day."- I spoke sincerely, tenderly wiping away his tears, kissing his plump lips softly. 

He hugged me securely, pulling me on his lap tenderly, and I cuddled him, kissing his forehead, his heartbeat quick for the reasons I wish it didn't have to beat this way.

𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.    

She just held me, kissed away every single tear and whispered things I need and want to hear.

I took a deep breath, resting my forehead against hers, finding my serenity in her sweet embrace, thanking heaven and all the powers above for her.

"I love you, Sandro."- whispered Celest, meaning every single word, and rubbed her tiny, cute button nose against mine. 

"I love you more than anything and our son loves you with all his heart."- she spoke adoringly as I gazed into my favourite pair of eyes, my mind liberated from horrors once I took in the love and warmth in her celestial eyes, my soul wrapped in hers, soaking up all of her care and tenderness. 

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