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𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.    

I gently ran my fingers through Celest's silky, wavy, perfectly black hair as her pretty head is laying on my chest, her tiny arms around my torso, hugging me fondly while I am cuddling her soundly asleep self adoringly and reading a book about babies. 

A big, bright smile crept upon me as I read that most babies recognise their parents at 1-month-old, my mind full of images of that possibility. 

Does he recognise me? Does he know that I am his dad? Will he recognise me among other people? 

So many questions and I want a clear answer to each. 

Babies tend to touch everything, especially when curious or want something - I smiled at that. 

Tomie likes to grab my finger when I touch his tiny palm and he attaches to his beautiful mum when it's time to eat. He seemed to enjoy patting Toffee yesterday and our dog enjoyed the tender treatment just as much. He likes to touch our faces and he loves to touch Celest's hair. 

I idled at the last thought, glancing at my hand that is playing with her hair, my smile brightening unintentionally. 

I carried on reading, kissing my treasure's temple every time she cuddled up against me. Toffee is sleeping in his bed in our room, wiggling his fluffy tail occasionally. 

Quiet huffs and sobs brought me out of my reading and my attention was on my tiny universe. 

I laid Celest down tenderly, kissing her forehead to assure her that everything is alright, and tucked her in before getting up and approaching the crib. 

"Shh, sono qui, mio piccolo principle."- I whispered quietly, carefully taking him in my arms like Celest showed me, still new to this, therefore, extra cautious and watchful of every motion. (Shh, I am here, my tiny prince.) 

I crumbled into pieces when his little arms wrapped around my neck and his perfect face nuzzled in my neck. I gently rubbed his small head with my thumb, fucking speechless and touched in ways I don't think I will ever get used to. 

Tomasso calmed down the moment he was in my arms, not needing anything else. 

This is enough for him. 

I am enough for him.

"Ti voglio tanto bene, Tomie."- I whispered genuinely, kissing his temple gently, feeling so warm and giddy. (I love you so much, Tomie.)

"Tu e la tua mamma siete tutto per me."- I said softly, caressing his little head affectionately, absolutely unwilling to let him out of my arms. (You and your mummy are my everything.) 

I took his little plush elephant toy and got in bed, smiling even wider when Celest cuddled me, snuggling into me innocently. I kissed her forehead, grinning to myself when Tomie quickly nestled on my chest, comfy and snug as I cuddled him, gently tucking him in to keep him warm. 

My world. 

My world is right in my arms.

Fuck, I was so stupid. I could have lost everything - Celest and our little son.

"Farò del mio meglio per essere il papà più incredibile per te, mio prezioso bambino."- I whispered vulnerably, smiling when his tiny hands cupped my cheeks, his perfect nose pressing against mine. (I will do my best to be the most incredible daddy for you, my precious baby boy.) 

I hugged Tomie gently, kissing his forehead, grinning in joy when he pouted, tilting my head to the way it was before, so he could boop our noses again, melting me with that pure smile and the most sublime dimples. 

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