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𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

"Signor di Vittori, non credo sia saggio da parte sua prendersi una pausa. La sede centrale ha bisogno della sua attenzione e i partner commerciali preferiscono parlare di accordi con lei personalmente. È sufficiente che la signora di Vittori si sia presa una pausa."- said one of the board members via online meeting, shutting the fuck up once I glanced at him, pissed off as it is. (Mr di Vittori, I don't think it is wise of you to take time off. The headquarters need your attention and business partners prefer to talk about deals with you personally. It is enough that Mrs di Vittori took time off.)

"Hai convocato una riunione alle 8 di venerdì mattina per fare la predica a me, il tuo capo, sul fatto che non mi è permesso prendere ferie, pur sapendo benissimo che mia moglie, che è anche il tuo capo, ha partorito solo 2 settimane fa?"- I stated coldly as he gulped, staying quiet. (You called up a meeting at 8 o'clock on Friday morning to lecture me, your boss, about me not being allowed to take time off while knowing damn well that my wife, who is your boss too, gave birth just 2 weeks ago?)

"Vorrei chiarire questo punto per tutti: non lavorerò completamente per i prossimi mesi e lo stesso vale per mia moglie. Passeremo del tempo con i nostri figli, che sono la nostra priorità. Non ho intenzione di correre in ufficio solo perché lei non è in grado di gestire la pressione e le responsabilità. Voglio essere presente con mia moglie e i nostri figli, quindi o lavorate come professionisti o ve ne andate da soli senza abbracciare voi stessi."- I said sternly, having no time for some fools, who are capable of nothing, exept complaining. (Let me clear this up for everyone: I am not going to work fully for the next few months and the same regards my wife. We are spending time with our children, who are our priority. I am not going to rush to the office just because you cannot handle pressure and responsibility. I want to be present with my wife and our sons, so it is either you work like professionals or leave on your own without embracing yourself.) 

"Questo significa che non possiamo contattare nessuno di voi due?"- asked one of the members calmly. (Does that mean we cannot contact either of you?)

"Potete contattarmi, ma solo se è urgente e significativo. Se osate chiamarmi o mandarmi un'e-mail per qualcosa di insignificante, sarete licenziati nel giro di pochi minuti."- I answered clearly, setting boundaries that they must follow. (You can contact me, but only if it is urgent and significant. If you dare to call or email me because of something meaningless, you will be fired in the next few minutes.) 

Once they got all the answers they wanted, I ended the unrequired online meeting and closed my laptop, pissed off that my morning began with the stupid faces of my employees, instead of my sweet wife's angelic, cute face and loving good morning kiss. 

"Fottuti idioti."- I muttered, leaning back in the seat. (Fucking idiots.) 

Just as it seemed like a shitty morning cannot be fixed, I smiled, hearing the cutest huffs via the monitor. 

I immediately got up and went to my sons' nursery, fucking losing all signs of a bad mood once I gazed into those beautiful, happy, dusky grey eyes. 

"I miei piccoli diamanti."- I said with a smile, gently and carefully as fuck scooping the twins in my arms, my heart the most complete and serene right now. (My little diamonds.) 

"Siete così perfetti e carini."- I cooed them adoringly, kissing their little cheeks over and over again, grinning as Luca and Angelo beamed, laughing so damn sweetly. (You are so perfect and sweet.) 

I took the twins to the bathroom and peacefully made them a warm, nice bath, chuckling at how they reached for the water, already wanting to get in. 

"Non ancora, miei piccoli principi. Il bagno non è ancora pronto."- I told them happily, pecking their foreheads tenderly. (Not yet, my tiny princes. The bath isn't ready yet.) 

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