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𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

A week of pure bliss. 

I will just say this because by now I am sure there is no right word to tell how goddamn divine it is to spend time with Celest and to bond with our son. We made so many incredible memories together as a couple and as a family - it is a truly beautiful feeling.

Like a cherry on top, with great help and extra love from my wife, I slept for an entire week. I slept through all 7 nights in a row in my Celest's embrace without waking up even once. It is way more than just a victory to me, I could only dream of this and the fact that she is so happy for me and proud of me is everything to me.

"Happy Birthday, my love."- whispered the sweetest voice, making me smile as I glanced at my tiny princess, waking up to the most beautiful sight of them all.

My wife in my white T-shirt, the most gorgeous birthday cake, a cutely wrapped box and our smiley baby boy by our side. 

"I know you don't like celebrating it, I don't want to hurt you, but a cake -"- spoke my love, shy and careful about it, and I just kissed her, gently cupping her angelic face in my hands. 

"That's the most wonderful birthday I have ever had. I have all I need because of you, mia cara."- I soothed her worries, kissing her tiny noose tenderly as she beamed with joy at me, looking like the most adorable sunshine. 

My adorable sunshine.

I chuckled as she tackled me for cuddles, murmuring the balmiest things to me, things that any man, in spite of how touch and cool he might possibly be, wants to hear. 

How much she loves me, how happy she is that I am here with her, how much she values me, how much I matter to her, that I am so much more than enough and fuck, even her saying how damn cute and handsome I am - it is a pure pleasure for the heart and soul. I truly feel like I am home - her love is my home.

"I have a little gift for you, my love."- spoke my sweetheart, tucking a strand of her silky hair behind her ear, pink blush on her sweet cheeks. 

"It isn't much, but we did it with a lot of love."- said Celest softly, addressing that she did it with our baby boy, and gave me the beautifully wrapped box, having no idea that it is the tiny things I love the most about her. 

I sat up and untied the ribbon, smiling as Tomie eagerly nuzzled into me, peeking inside the box with curiosity once I took the lid off. 

"Gattina."- I almost whispered, grinning like a madman at the sight of the most amazing gift ever. 

Our first family album.

Photographs from our wedding, pictures of our son, photos of us from the various moments of our lives and even pictures that we took on our honeymoon. 

"This is so fucking perfect."- I murmured to myself, turning pages with the most gigantic smile plastered on my face. 

"Papà!"- chirped Tomie, laying his tiny hand on my picture, making time fucking freeze. 

Holy shit. 

Holy fuck. 

"Papà!"- he said again, looking up at me, bringing me to the purest tears of happiness. 

I scooped our boy in my arms, officially losing the sense of control when Tomasso chirped "papà" again, his tiny hands cupping my cheeks as his little forehead leaned on mine. 

"Ti amo tanto, mio piccolo mondo."- I whispered vulnerably, at a loss for words, and hugged Celest, kissing away her tears of joy as she held us tightly, pecking my cheek tenderly. (I love you so much, my tiny world.)

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