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𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

"Shh, sleep, gattina."- soothed Sandro, the two of us waking up to the sound of something making non-stop thudding noise. 

He kissed me softly and got up, wearing sweatpants before leaving to check on the sounds. 

I hugged Toffee lovingly, kissing his muzzle as he slept peacefully next to me. I waited for Sandro to come back, not wanting to fall asleep without him. 

Clicking sound caught my attention, making me sit up. I glanced around the room, switching light on as something seemed to move near the bathroom door. 

I got up, trying not to overthink, and headed towards the door, wanting to go to Alessandro to calm my scare down. My hand reached for the door handle, just for big hand to cover my mouth from behind and pull me away from the door. 

"Salve, uccellino."- stated low voice with heavy, thick Italian accent, smell of tobacco too heavy to breathe. (Hello, little bird.)

"Capisco perché ti tiene con sé."- mumbled the man, covering my mouth with a cloth, gaging me before I could scream for Sandro. (I see why he keeps you around.) 

Tears rushed down my cheeks as I tried to get out of bastard's grip, whimpering as he gripped my arms harshly, tying them behind my back. 

"Divertiamoci mentre il tuo amante lotta per la sua vita."- he said revoltingly, dragging me to the bed, tossing me on it, straddling me before I could dash away. (Let's have fun while your lover is fighting for his life.) 

I kicked him in his crotch, tears of brisk relief streaming down my face as he fell off me, groaning in pain. 

I don't know how or when, but I took Toffee and dashed out of the room, running down the stairs, taking the cloth off on my way, tossing it away. 

"Sandro."- I spoke in horror, holding our puppy securely, not even considering leaving him behind. 

"Piccola."- stated with a sigh Alessandro, rushing to me as I met him half-way, pressing into his robust physic, trembling and shaking. 

Corpses around us. Pools of blood. Guns laying next to dead people. Shattered glass windows, pieces of glass laying on the floor. My silent sobs turning into cries once he pulled the trigger, shooting whoever was behind me. 

"Fuck."- sighed Sandro, holding me tighter as I trembled, shutting my eyes as tears streamed like waterfall. 

"Shh, you are safe, mio fiorellino."- soothed Sandro, cupping my face, kissing my forehead, wiping away all my tears. 

"They barged in and you killed and I-."- I almost whispered, my overwhelmed heart preventing me from speaking. 

"Celest, please, let me get you in a safe place and there you can ask me anything you want, I will answer each question and you can decide what to do."- he said calmly, kissing away my tears as I nodded, shakily taking deep breaths. 

𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

World turned into a blur. 

My men in and out of the mansion, cleaning mess up and checking for any messages or clues. I packed our clothes in one big suitcase, my mind racing, everything in me tightening as I soaked up what is going on and what I might get out of. 

I am ready for anything, except losing her. 


I wore black hoodie and trains before finding her black leggings, socks and white trainers, approaching her as she is sitting on our arch chair in our bedroom. 

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