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𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

I smiled, feeling small, feathery kisses on my neck and muscular, manly arms around my waist, holding me close to an all too familiar, beloved, sinewy body. 

"Good morning, mia piccola principessa."- whispered raspingly Sandro, laying the sweetest kiss on my cheek, having no idea how hard my heart fell for him. 

"Good morning, mio paradiso."- I spoke softly, tenderly laying my hands on his that have never left my belly ever since last night. 

"I love you so much, mia cara."- stated my beloved man, pulling me closer, and God, I smiled like there is no tomorrow. 

"I love you with all my heart, my life."- I said lovingly, turning my head to the side, beaming once he kissed me gently. 

I turned around in his embrace and cuddled up against him, melting into the honeyed kiss, the happiest to meet December 24th like this. 

Happily married to the love of my life, mum to the most perfect baby boy and 13 weeks pregnant.

"This week our tiny joy is as big as a peach."- murmured Sandro, caressing my belly, his stormy grey eyes full of love and fondness, warmth and delight. 

"Fuck, so tiny."- whispered my husband, gazing at my stomach, and I smiled, cupping his cheek. 

"Our little peach."- I murmured with a bright smile, tenderly pressing our lips together as he smiled, kissing me back, passionately and lovingly. 

I giggled, feeling his large, sexy, tender, shameless hands palm my bum - a little action that made him beam. 

"I love your ass."- stated Alessandro without shame, meaning each word, and I blushed, giggling at how happily he squeezed it. 

"I might as well make sure you always sleep like this: topless and in a lacy thong, wrapped up in my arms all night long."- said my love, kissing my neck as I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him dotingly. 

"Mhm, of course, you'd love that."- I said amusedly with a smile, kissing his temple once he nuzzled his handsome face in my neck. 

"Don't tell me you don't enjoy that, baby."- dared Sandro, smiling dreamily at me, his inked hands still on my bum.

"You are very warm, so I don't mind sleeping like this."- I admitted, truly being the warmest like this. 

"I too enjoy being skin-to-skin with you...It is a very balmy and soothing sensation."- I professed, my cheeks tinted with blush, and he smiled charmingly at me, stealing my heart. 

"You have no idea how much I adore the way you are, mia cara piccola."- spoke Sandro warmly, kissing my forehead, hugging me, making my soul flutter. 

To be loved for who you are by the man you worship - a blessing that I will forever count twice. 

"There is nobody else for me. It is you, it will always be you, my love."- I whispered sincerely, holding him in my arms tightly, both of us smiling like puppies. 

𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

How can I possibly want anything more than this? 

What can possibly be better than this: a truly heavenly marriage with an angelic wife, who blessed me with such a perfect son and is 13 weeks pregnant with our second child?

I won everything. I have all any man could ever possibly dare to wish for.

I smiled contentedly, cuddling my beloved woman as her pretty head lays on my chest, my fingers running through her lustrous, silky, raven locks. 

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