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𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

Morning full of gentle kissing and cuddling with woman, who owns every single inch of me. Lazy breakfast in bed while stealing kisses from her because I am incapable of resisting the urge to feel the softness of her luscious lips. 

That is the type of morning I am selfishly and secretly addicted to.

Fuck, it isn't even the type of morning I am addicted to. 

It is Celest I am insanely obsessed with. 

She has been with her aunt ever since 11 o'clock. Now it is 6PM on the dot. 

7 hours without her and I am fucking restless. I got business done, I dealt with Mafia shit, I had meetings, I worked out. I boxed and all along she was on my mind. 

"Oof, I  smell sexual frustration here."- muttered smugly Fergus, watching my men clean dead moron, who couldn't pay debt in time, off the street. 

My right hand, reliable man, but at times too fucking bold for his own good.

"Dude, you are so tense. I doubt that you don't get any pussy."- he rumbled, following me out of the alley.

"It is none of your damn business."- I said dangerously calmly, getting in my pitch black Lamborghini as he just grinned goofily, having his stupid ideas that he shares with my brother. 

My hands gripped steering wheel as I took a deep breath, leaning back in the leather seat, my mind hazy with everything, yet somehow occupied with images of her and only her. 

Those innocent, emerald green eyes. Angelic, comely face that I cannot go a day without. Tiny, soft hands. Rosy, plump, soft lips that taste like honey. Petite, beautiful, sexy, mouth-watering body. Melodic, sensual voice that I am spellbound to. Those precious giggles and that cute laughter. That priceless, breathtaking smile and irresistible dimples.

I smiled involuntary as I replayed how truly happy she was to wake up in my arms. How such simple thing, that we have been having for a month now, still makes her so fucking joyful. 

20 minutes went by and I went inside my penthouse, leaving gun and bullets aside on a dresses before entering bathroom, planning to surprise Celest tonight. 

She has no idea that she will see me tonight, nor did I plan to come to her, but I miss her.

I have no idea what awaits us after this trip to her hometown, deep-down I know she is safer when away from me, but I also know that it is bullshit. 

Even though I am dangerous, even though my environment is dangerous, I can keep her safe if she is by my side, not miles away out of my reach. She is secure when in my sight and in my arms because I am ready to lay my life for her.

I am ready to die for Celest Luna Richards. 

I got dressed, keeping everything classy, neutral and clean, and headed out, looking forward to seeing mia cara.

𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

I sat on the bed, emptying my wallet to count all the cash I have, checking my bank account to see how much money I have on my card, teardrops running down my cheek. 

The trembling hands of my auntie dropping cup of tea. Her beautiful face going pale. Breathlessness. Nearly unconscious mind. Lack of responses when I asked her questions, helping her to sit down.

My shaking hands put the last pile of money down as I put all little sums together - I have 60 000 pounds in cash and 2 000 on my card. 

I didn't think twice before dialling my auntie's doctor, packing all the cash for the needed, 50 000 pounds surgery for my auntie. 

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