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𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

Your mind seems to be blank when you lose your family, it seems absolutely nonexistent, it turns into the darkest pit of sadness and heartache. Nothing seems good, nothing seems hopeful, and nothing gives strength. 

I glanced at the piles of documents in front of me, tears rushing down my cheeks silently and numbly while my heart is aching and my mind is absorbing the situation I am put in. 

I have to close the bakery and sell the house. 

I cannot pay for the cleaning service, salary for Susan and Adana, groceries in such big quantity, taxes and bills - it all comes with the bakery cafe. I cannot handle a house and its bills, which during the upcoming wintertime are so high and impossible to handle when I have such debt above my head.

"Celest, my God."- said Adana breathlessly, dashing into the house with tears in her eyes. 

"I came as soon as I could. I am so sorry, Celest."- stated Ad, hugging me tightly as I held onto her, crumbling into pieces. 

"She's gone."- I almost whispered as she held me securely, our tears boundless and agonising. 

𝘈𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘢'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

Ground vanished beneath my feet when I got Celest's text. 

I got on the earliest flight I could get my hands on.

She doesn't deserve this, she doesn't deserve to go through this. Celest worshipped her aunt, her only family, and now she is gone. Mrs S is gone and I don't think either of u will ever accept it.

I want to know where is that 6'7, tattooed motherfucker, who promised me to take care of my best friend. I want to see him and cut his dick off for being anywhere, but here, hugging and comforting the woman, who bore his shit for so long and cared for him in ways he will never ever deserve. 

But that painful question isn't for now. 

Now I need to be here for my best friend and have her back.

"I don't want to live anymore."- she whispered shakily, clutching onto me, tears staining her cheeks. 

"Don't you dare to even think that way, Cel. You have so much to see, to experience, to explore and have."- I stated as calmly as I could, hugging her tighter as her thin, small physic quivered from nerves and overpowering sadness. 

"I don't. I lost everything I had, Ad. I have nothing, except massive debt to pay off. Nothing is positive in my life any longer."- said Celest, crying in my arms, shattering as I held her securer, worrying about her well-being as her hands shook from the stress and sorrow. 

She cried for hours, hours and hours until sleep overtook her exhausted self. 

I tucked Cel in as she is laying on the sofa, hidden underneath the blanket. I took my phone and entered the cute, homely terrace, dialling Ali. 

"Baby, ciao."- said my boyfriend, knowing that I am in London and what happened. 

"Where the fuck is Alessandro? What is more important for his highness than Celest?!"- I snapped, gripping the railing firmly, unable to forgive him for this. 

"Adana, amore, this is very complicated and I cannot disclose this. I am sure that they will solve this themselves."- said Ali, hustling in the background and lots of Italian ranting. 

"The fuck they will solve, Ali!? Her aunt died and he is not here! He is babying his shit instead of supporting and looking after his girlfriend! I won't let him anywhere near my best friend if he doesn't show up in the next 24 hours. May he do otherwise - he is dead to us. Talk some sense into your stupid, motherfucking friend."- I said harshly, not having any patience for di Vittori. 

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