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𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.    

I didn't sleep. I don't sleep. 

But it was the least of my concerns all night.

All I was, still am, occupied with is the tiny, absolutely miniature woman in my arms. 

So many questions and no answers. 

Celest is breathtaking. Unrealistically beautiful and enchanting - a perfect match for her name. I cannot look away from her, I couldn't even if I was forced to. She is that innocent, pure type of sexy and I am attracted to it so goddamn much. 

She is so petite, in spite of having such a sultry hourglass figure and curves in the right places. Dainty back and shoulders, thin arms, delicate chest, fragile waist, slender and lean legs seem so tender, breakable, fuck, as if made of glass. In spite of her having a handful, toned, firm, round, truly perfect ass, she is tiny, so fucking little and weightless, truly like a kitten.

Throughout the night I picked up on so many things about her, things that gave me déjà vu feeling: she gets cold easily; she likes it when her cheek is caressed as she sleeps; covers should be pulled up as high as possible; she always has such a dazzling, pure, intoxicating, sleepy smile; she pouts so fucking cutely when my hand was out of her little, gentle grasp - something I secretly played with occasionally at night, enjoying it immensely deep-down. 

I cannot explain a thing, but I know that this is only the beginning for us.

Something in me tingles because of her and I am not going to let that feeling go. 

The quietest sound of the alarm brought me out of my daydream and woke Celest up. 

It woke her up as if she weren't asleep at all.

𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

04:00 - time I usually wake up to get dressed for work and look after Tomasso before heading to work. 

I turned the alarm off, my heart quivering from the warm sensations as soft fingertips brushed along my arms and feathery kisses were planted on my shoulder and neck. 

"Good morning, gattina."- spoke Alessandro raspingly, his honeyed voice as low and husky in the morning as I remember, my soul tingling at its beautiful sound. 

"Good morning, Sandro."- I replied softly, my eyes fluttering close as he kissed my neck, his robust front against my back - a feeling that soothed me too much for my own good, a feeling that awoke even more devoted love for him and desperately tried to push my rationality away. 

"Stay."- he said huskily in my neck, his warm and veined hands trailing to my bare waist, shivers running down my spine at the soft friction that my heart cannot get enough of. 

I want to stay. I really do. 

I want to feel him again, to be his again, to kiss him again, to hold him close and feel that incomparable pallet of love, passion and ardency with him again. 

But no matter how good and longed-for this is for me, Tomasso is my priority. I have to put him first, he needs me and I cannot be selfish. 

"I cannot."- I whispered through tears, aching as he turned me around, pulled me tighter to himself to kiss me feverishly, yet so fondly, my heart bleeding and skipping beats at once.

"I need to see you again, caramellina."- said Sandro gruffly against my lips, cupping my cheek as I bit my bottom lip, tears staining my cheeks, brushing against his own. 

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