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𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

Warm, soft sheets wrapped around my half-naked body as I smiled, feeling just so good and tranquil, beaming not less than the sun that is peeking through the windows, illuminating the breathtaking room. 

My green eyes fluttered open and I sat up mellowly, holding covers against my bare chest, glancing at the bathroom door that opened, causing me to go red. 

Oh God, what a sight. 

Messy, damp, velvety, shiny, midnight black hair. The freshly-shaved, attractive, sculpted by the finest carver face is too handsome and too perfect to be real. The peppery, spicy, warm scent of sandalwood and bergamot became a part of my life, a detail that I cannot imagine my existence without.

But what made my body tingle and burn was his 6'7, muscular, tattooed, rock-hard body.

Droplets of water trail down his vast, flawlessly chiselled chest, unhurriedly skimming lower to his rigid, defined, immaculate 8 pack, rushing down to his deep V-line until vanishing beneath the crisp white towel that is hanging so dangerously loosely and lowly around his masculine, appealing hips. Broad, manly shoulders and muscled back take my mind back to how much many times I trailed my fingertips along them, feeling each steely muscle. Blank ink adorns his hardy, sturdy arms that I love to be wrapped up in. 

"Good morning, mia amata cara."- stated my husband, smirking so sensuously at me, his voice nothing, but a temptation. 

"Good morning, my love."- I almost whispered, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, feeling as if I am seeing him like this for the very first time. 

My heart pounded in my chest as Sandro leaned down to my level and kissed me passionately, nudging the covers off me until I was exposed to his hungry, desirous gaze.

"You have no idea how beautiful you are, baby girl."- spoke my beloved man smokily, his knuckled brushing right beneath my breasts, making shivers run down my spine. 

I cupped his cheek and kissed him softly, my cheeks burning up with pink blush once he cupped my small breast and squeezed hard enough to make my thighs rub together. 

"Spead your gorgeous legs for me, gattina."- guided Sandro, caressing my chest, and I exhaled shakily, doing exactly what he said. 

"God."- I breathed out weakly, my eyes shutting close as his fingertips massaged my core, taking their time. 

He massaged my femininity, slowly and tenderly, his plump lips on my neck, giving my heart a billion and one reasons why to beat faster.

"I want you to go to the red room, sit on the bed, naked, your lustrous hair up in a ponytail."- commanded my husband, smirking at how I exhaled, blushing and shying away. 

"Yes, Sir."- I almost whispered, biting my lip when he teased my clit with just one caress before removing his hand. 

I sat up and took the black, silk ribbon from my nightstand to tie my hair up in a ponytail. Sandro helped me to get up and held my hand, guiding me to the red room, my heartbeat feeling as if a ticking bomb. 

I approached the bed and took his white boxers off myself, sighing at the contrast of temperatures. I sat on the bed, leaning on my hands behind my back, my legs timidly pressed together. 

Sandro opened one of the drawers and retrieved something that painted my cheeks crimson red. 

A dildo. 

"It is smaller."- I murmured, blushing more at how the sentence sounded, and he smirked, knowing exactly what part of the sentence is missing.

"7 inches are going to be enough for you to get your perfect pussy wet for me."- stated my husband, sitting down on an armchair in front of the bed, making tingles of adrenaline and curiosity rush down my back. 

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