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𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

October 5th has never been more meaningful than now - the wedding day.

My wedding.

I am marrying the love of my life in just a few hours.

I gazed at Lake Como, unable to hide my smile as I watched our wedding venue and its beautiful decor while the sun is rising unhurriedly, reminding my excited heart that I don't have to wait much longer.

Quiet huffs brought me out of my daydreams and I put my glass of water down, entered the bedroom and approached my son's crib, smiling at my early bird.

"Ciao, mio piccolo tesoro."- I said lovingly, carefully and delicately picking his tiny self up in my arms. (Hello, my little treasure.)

"Hai dormito bene, mio piccolo diamante?"- I wondered in care, chuckling at his adorable little stretch and precious, sleepy smile. (Did you sleep well, my tiny diamond?)

"Lo prendo come un sì."- I said warmly, pecking his cheeks gently. (I will take this as a yes.)

I rocked my baby boy, smiling as he nuzzled into my embrace, absolutely uninterested in leaving my arms. I kissed his forehead, my heart soaring from such warm and soothing feelings.

"Oggi saremo ufficialmente una famiglia."- I whispered contentedly, my soul tingling at the beautiful realisation. (Today we will officially be a family.)

A knock on the door held my attention and I allowed to come in, smiling as my elder brother came in with a big smile on his face.

"How is the groom feeling?"- asked Massimo in care, hugging me in a cosy, brotherly manner before smooching his nephew's forehead lightly.

"The best I have ever felt."- I professed with a smile, taking a pacifier for Tomie once he huffed and pouted, calming down once he got the white pacifier with his initials on it.

"Good because your bride isn't feeling as calm as you are."- he said, making time stand still as I looked at him in worry, my mind turning into a wreck.

"What is wrong? Is she in pain? Did something happen?"- I asked in concern, having a billion scenarios in my mind.

"No, none of that sort, calm down. It is just that she has been crying ever since she woke up, saying how much she misses you and wants you to hug her."- replied Massimo, having no idea how mutual that is.

I haven't seen Celest for a week.

It is a stupid tradition in my family that I had no idea about and do not like even one bit. No calls, no texts - nothing.

I miss her.

That week without her made not only my heart grow fonder: my soul, mind and body miss her as much as my heart does.

Tomasso has been staying with Celest most of the day since she is breastfeeding and I have him during the evening and nighttime. Papà and Adana bring him over and take him since we cannot see each other.

Speaking of padre, there he is.

In a bit, Massimo took Tomas to Celest and I stayed with papà, having a type of conversation with him that I didn't expect, but needed so much.

"Sono così orgoglioso di te, figliolo. Sei diventato l'uomo che tua madre ha sempre voluto che tu fossi, lei è così orgogliosa di te. Siamo felicissimi di vederti sposare la donna che ami e creare una vera, bellissima famiglia tutta tua."- said papà gently, bringing up things I was dying to hear for years. (I am so proud of you, son. You became a man your mum has always wanted you to be, she is so proud of you. We are the happiest to witness you marry the woman you love and create a true, beautiful family of your own.)

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