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𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

I am this close to winning it all. 

The di Vittori era is ending.

I have Celest and his son - everything his world turns around. He will die inside the moment he finds out about her betrayal and lies and it is only a matter of moments when he weakens - an ideal moment for me to take his empire. 

"I see why you want her."- said my younger brother, eyeing photos of Celest: pictures that I have been gathering when watching her rendezvous with that fucker.

"She is eye candy for sure. I will make sure to send di Vittori our sex tape, bet he'd love to have a reminder of that sexy body."- I stated, fixing the sleeves of my suit. 

"Do you really need that kid, though? He has di Vittori's blood, after all."- asked Giano, his stupidity annoying me so damn much. 

"Of fucking course, I need that boy. Celest is going to be my wife, she is at my mercy and she will do everything to keep him safe, therefore, she will raise him the way I need him to be."- I answered sternly. 

"She will birth me as many heirs as I need. Noone will save her now - lover boy has no memory and Rome will keep him busy enough to forget about her. 4 days cannot be enough to remember the bubbling romance they had going on."- I said coldly, fully aware of what a good mother she is and how far she will go just to keep that baby safe and alive. 

"I doubt she will have sex with you, fratello."- argued Giano, pushing his limits. 

"I will rape and beat her if I have to. She will fucking listen and learn how to treat her husband."- I replied without shame, knowing how to discipline her. 

The clock struck 4 PM and we headed out of my suite, going to the venue, where my sexy bride is awaiting me. 

"Smile or I will slice your kid into pieces, bambola."- I said calmly, gripping her tin arm harshly to get her in the correct mood. 

And she listened because her baby boy is in my right hand's arms, crying and sobbing annoyingly. 

"Calm him the fuck down."- I demanded from her, shoving her closer to that irritating baby.

She hugged him, whispering some mushy shit to him, but it barely did anything and it angered me. 

"What did you expect of him? He is mortified of you and your men. He is just a 1-month old baby, not a toy you can turn on and off whenever you like it."- she said once I commanded her to shut him up and it earned her a slap. 

"Think wisely before talking back, bambola. You are my slave, my wife, bitch at my mercy - one wrong word and you will see your kid die. I won't toy with you as your lover did. You will know your place with me."- I warmed her, squeezing her wrist hard, purposefully leaving a bruise. 

𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

He will never be Sandro. 

He can never be someone so perfect and charming because he is rotten. 

Tomie didn't calm down. He cried even more, seeing my red, aching cheek and it enraged Alessio. 

"Marry us now. I don't have time."- he commanded the man, who, I am sure, isn't a priest; no sane person would do this to me. 

He cut the process short, skipping everything he could. 

"Alessio Boverod, do you take Celest Luna Richards to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do promise to love and cherish her, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, for so long as you both shall live?"- asked the man, gulping hard after his words. 

"I do."- Alessio answered, putting a gold ring on my finger as I felt sick at the feeling. 

"Celest Luna Richards, do you take Alessio Boverod to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do promise to love and cherish him, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, for so long as you both shall live?"- went on the man, tears staining my cheeks. 

Every ounce of me detested it. 

I cannot marry him when my heart, soul, body and mind belong to another man, who is the father of my son. Nobody will have me in ways Sandro has, I will never love anyone else, I will never lay with anybody else and I will never care about someone in ways I care about him. 

But I cannot risk our son's life. 

"I.."- I whispered shakily, unable to say yes as tears burned my heart alive, ruining me inside.

"Giù le mani dalla mia donna e da mio figlio."- claimed a familiar, velvety voice, stopping time, my pale green eyes meeting a pair of dusky grey irises that made my heart skip beats. (Hands off my woman and my son.) 

He is here.

𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.    

Celest in the arms of another man, who dares to force her into a marriage. A little baby boy crying in another of a moron.

My Celest. My son.

"Morirai prima di sparare, di Vittori. Non abbracciarti."- said Boverod, blinded by rage as I smirked. (You will die before you fire, di Vittori. Don't embrace yourself.) 

"Hai solo 10 uomini in questa stanza, figlio di puttana. Il mio esercito contro le tue patetiche 10 guardie."- I stated coldly, having put his morons down one by one, seeing red for the harm he caused. (All you have is 10 men in this room, motherfucker. It is my army against your pathetic 10 guards.)

He choked on his words, pissed off and in a menacing mood, soaking up that he is in a trap.

"Se morirò, prenderò la tua puttana o il tuo bastardo. La scelta è tuo."- he sneered, aiming two guns at my treasures, both held by his fuckers. (If I die, I will take either your bitch or your bastard. The choice is yours.) 

My son or the woman I cannot live without.

No fucking way I will choose. 

I will bring both of them home.

I gripped my gun, counting priceless seconds down until finally, I saw Massimo and Ali aim at the fuckers, who are holding my treasures, the two of them on a rooftop of a building across this mansion. 

"Marcisci all'inferno, figlio di puttana."- I said harshly, meaning every single word as I pulled the trigger, time freezing as everything relied on the 3 bullets that could end or start everything. (Rot in hell, son of a bitch.) 

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