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𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.    

Fregate Island, Seychelles. 

That's a place Celest and our tiny baby boy are worth. 

"You had a good sleep during the flight, didn't you, mio piccolo principe?"- I said lovingly, kissing his tiny feet as he chuckled, laying on my lap happily. 

I kissed his little belly, grinning to myself as my son laughed and smiled, enjoying the quality time as much as I am. I pecked his adorable cheeks and small hands, chuckling when he rolled on his belly and made grabby hands at the pool. 

"You liked swimming, didn't you, mio caro?"- I wondered with a smile, gladly getting in the pool with him again, not even thinking of denying him his wish. 

I tenderly, carefully as fuck held his tiny self in my arms as he played with water, being so damn happy and smiley, giving me the giddiest sensations that I am still getting used to. 

Tomie peacefully played with me, practised swimming a little bit and, due to my worry, concern and as good as absent experience with babies, I took him out of the water, not wanting him to get sick or cold. 

I dried myself off with a towel and took my tiny prince to his own room for a warm bath. 

"This should be right this way."- I murmured, examining how I put a diaper on Tomie, still getting the hang of it. 

Fuck, Celest does it so easily and quickly, she makes this seem effortless. 

"Mummy will definitely have to check daddy's work."- I said calmly, learning bit by bit, and kissed my son's cheek as he smiled, cupping my cheeks. 

I pecked his tiny palms and dressed him in a light onesie, brushed his perfectly black hair and laid him in his crib, tucking him in tenderly, smiling at how quickly sleepiness took over him. I rocked the crib gently for a little bit before letting him be. 

I let Toffee stay with Tomie in one room and went to take a shower, my mind full of everything and nothing at once. 

A low sigh escaped from me as I ran my hands through my hair, cool water pouring down on me. 

Yet cold water will never give the same rush of goosebumps and tingles as her touch does.

Dainty, soft, warm hands laid on my chest as a soft kiss was laid on my back, my mind turning off in a split second as I relaxed, my heart beating faster the moment she hugged me, bare and so soft - divine contrast to the cold water and my cool skin.

I held her tiny hands, kissing them fondly before turning around, going speechless once Celest kissed me, wrapping her petite arms around my neck, inviting me closer.

So close I could feel her heartbeat and breathing.

"Good morning."- she spoke winsomely, blushing innocently, making me smile as she won me over yet again. 

"Good morning, gattina."- I said warmly, pecking her luscious, pouty, saccharine lips dotingly. 

"How are you feeling, mia piccola? Is everything okay? Did you sleep well?"- I asked in concern, kissing her forehead as she leaned on me, snuggling into my embrace. 

"Everything is divine."- professed Celest sweetly, having no clue how much that means to me. 

"Are you alright, my life?"- she asked in care as I turned the water to a warm stream, not wanting her to get sick or cold.

"I am better than I have ever been, mia cara."- I responded warmly, gently trailing my fingertips along her spine. 

𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

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